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Seamstress Pieces Together Traditional Clothing

Nashimbuli first learned to sew when she was working at Ramatex. She says that many of her customers compliment her on her traditional creations, which she taught herself to make. Ramatex only produced modern clothing.

The seamstress sews to support herself, but also because she doesn’t like sitting around, not doing anything. Sewing has become as much a business as it is a hobby for her.

During the latter half of the year, business is good. Many customers come to buy the traditional attire that Nashimbuli creates because many weddings and holidays occur during this part of the year.

 Read the entire New Era article at http://www.newera.com.na/2013/12/05/dressmaker-making-traditional-wear/.

Read the entire New Era article at http://www.newera.com.na/2013/12/05/dressmaker-making-traditional-wear/.

During the first half of the year, however, times can get tough. Nashimbuli continues to make the traditional clothing she is known for, even if the customers don’t come. She takes her attire to potential customers, selling her wares on the spot. In addition to attire for men, women, and children, she also sews traditional baby carriers.

Learning to sew — and purchasing her own sewing machine with the severance money she received from Ramatex — has enabled Nashimbuli to try to make a life for herself.

If you’re interested in learning how to sew or increasing your already existing sewing skills, consider signing up for a sewing class today. Sewing is a valuable skill to hone, meaning that you can make or mend your own clothes, or start a lucrative business doing it for other people.

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