Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through Therapeutic Art Workshops since 2013!

Manga Drawing

Art Classes / Workshops Available

Manga Drawing Classes - Singapore

Is your art burning to tell a story? Hone your narrative skills with a class that will help you boost your manga abilities.

After taking this class, you will be able to use your pencil, pen, marker, or brush to create a character that will express the emotions — angst, lust, anger, joy, hope — to carry the story you want to tell.

Receive instruction on body shapes, body language, facial expressions, and more to bring the characters that exist within your imagination to life. Study the proper proportions, costuming, composition, and color to illustrate each personality — from your fingertips to your fans’ minds.

Through this art course, you will be able to make informed decisions regarding body positions and costuming in traditional manga style — from school uniforms to kimonos to battle gear — in order to accurately and effectively create characters your fans want to believe in and details to enrich the experience.

Delve into the fine art of the specifics that define manga: wide, expressive eyes, lush, wild hair, womanly curves, and muscular men. Learn how to apply these techniques to established characters you wish to immortalize through your own art — or adapt the techniques to invent your own universes and personalities.

Get ready for a crash course in weapons, accessories, pets, and sidekicks. Once you become an expert in the proper wielding of a katana, gain the ability to translate your knowledge into believable poses with bo staffs and machetes. The adorable feline cohort for your heroine will be just as easy to cast as a puppy, bird, or monkey.

Is drawing action scenes not your forte? Check out tutorials on creating effective action scenes — including energy blasts, weapon wielding, and hand-to-hand combat. Line work will be your best friend in this endeavor, as well-placed lines illustrate motion, battles, explosions, and other dynamic situations in manga.

To register your interest, please use our interest registration form and we will touch base with you within 1-2 business days.

To register your interest, please use our interest registration form and we will touch base with you within 1-2 business days.