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Younger Generations Show Interest in Sewing

Sewing is getting increasingly popular with younger aspiring seamstresses. Many start classes without prior experience.

“I literally didn’t know anything,” beginning sewer Amy McCarty said. “I took a sewing class with a friend of mine, and they had to start with the very basics, like how to thread the machine.”

McCarty has enjoyed learning the art of sewing.

“It’s been a long process for me, but I finally feel like I’m really getting the hang of it and starting to enjoy it,” she said.

Angie Wylie, a sewing supply store worker, says there are a variety of reasons for people to try out the hobby.



“When the economy isn’t doing well, everybody goes home and digs out their sewing machines,” she said.

Sharman Dorsey, the owner of the store, says the renewed interest is a cultural movement.

“I think a lot of it is just the whole DIY (do it yourself) movement, which is gaining serious momentum,” Dorsey said. “I think younger people also like that it gives them control of their style. They can make something from start or repurpose older items into something new and fun.”

Sewing is a great way to embrace your personal tastes in fashion while saving money. Enroll today in a class on sewing even if you’ve never tried it out. Start with simple tutorials — such as threading a needle, learning different stitches, and using a sewing machine — and then complete different projects that you can use around the home.

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