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Fairytale Mural Brightens Area Beneath Bridge

Artist Sandra Fabara has been partnering with Frank Sinatra School for the Arts in Astoria and the New York Anti-Crime Agency for the past decade to help brighten the city and unleash creativity in young minds.

The area where the new mural now shines was the site of a mural Fabara and students painted seven years ago. Time and the elements — as well as graffiti and obscenities — had marred the old mural.

Now, however, imaginative characters, animals, and ideas decorate the space beneath a bridge.


Read the entire Queens Chronicle article at http://www.qchron.com/editions/western/fairy-tale-mural-adds-to-astoria/article_5e324c7f-dec4-5ebd-8435-1da4070ccaa8.html.

Read the entire Queens Chronicle article at http://www.qchron.com/editions/western/fairy-tale-mural-adds-to-astoria/article_5e324c7f-dec4-5ebd-8435-1da4070ccaa8.html.

“Initially I had the idea to paint my brick lady and have the kids add to it,” Fabara said. “It’s a loose theme and the kids just dove in.”

The mural features fairies, butterflies grown on trees, and many more fantasy creatures.

“Aliens always make their way in,” Anti- Crime Director Tony Meloni said. “It’s all really beautiful.”

Fabara knows that the fanciful subjects are typical for creative minds.

“An imaginary world is where artists live,” Fabara said.

Enroll today in a class on mural painting to help unleash your creative minds. Instruction is available for students of all levels and abilities, ensuring tailored lessons to suit your personal needs. Pupils will explore how to create murals based on theme, size, location, and medium. Murals serve a variety of purposes from brightening a hard scrabble area to becoming a learning tool for young students discovering their own artistic talents.

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