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Flower Arrangements Brighten Indoor Spaces

Abbey Malheim of Hornbacher’s Village West recommends making or obtaining beautiful floral arrangements for a variety of reasons.

“Flowers are just that little added touch,” she said. “When you see a well-done arrangement, it’s got impact.”

Bright and attractive groupings of flowers can help bring both peace and excitement to an indoor space. Malheim knows better than most what makes an arrangement successful.

“I don’t think of myself as creative, I just let the flowers do the work,” she said.


Once a floral designer uses her artistic prowess to craft the perfect arrangement, they must use the proper techniques to ensure their flowers are the best they can be. This could range from using sharp scissors to cutting stems underwater.

“You want the first breath that flower takes to be water, not air,” Malheim said.

Once the smaller skills are mastered, anyone can enjoy a good flower arrangement, Prairie Petals’ Kimberly Hess said.

“Floral arrangements add depth, emotion and contrast to homes and spaces,” she said. “You usually think of at least two of those things when you see an arrangement because it’s not a solid, inanimate object.”

Does the idea of crafting a tactile and beautiful floral arrangement appeal to you? Enroll in a class on making flower arrangements today to start in your creative journey. Classes will cover everything from basic arrangement shapes to what colors and species of flowers work best together. Students will even learn common meanings behind types of flowers so they can create thoughtful and sensitive arrangements according to the circumstances.


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