We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Artist Plays with Finger Paint

“This is for all ages and everyone who has not tried painting with their fingers might be surprised of how much they will like it,” Alvarez said.



As a part of her demonstration, this artist is prepared to get dirty. Alvarez dips her fingers in paints — starting with primary colors — and starts mixing the color right on the surface of her medium. From there, she makes shapes and begins to work on shading her subjects. She often does paintings of animals — her passion.

“It’s my goal to reach out to all ages and backgrounds,” Alvarez said about the purpose of her art walk demonstrations. “I hope to engage more adults because I think with our busy schedules we lose contact with our creativity. I would like for this experience to spark creative thoughts.”

You’re never to old to find something you’re passionate about. Consider enrolling in an art class today to get back in touch with your inner child. Although adults have responsibilities and worries, art classes can help melt away your troubles. Don’t be afraid to get a little messy in your painting sessions. Embrace your creativity and trust your intuition as you learn the basics in mixing paint colors, putting paint to canvas, and creating an artwork that reflects your interests. You’ll soon be painting masterpieces that you’ll be proud to frame and share with your friends and family.

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