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Controversial Holocaust Painting Makes Waves in Art World

Art isn’t always something that’s only pretty to look at. Sometimes, art serves a purpose. However, these types of artistic works are often controversial depending on the view points of the artist’s audience.

What is art and what is crime? This issue is currently being explored after a Swedish artist allegedly used the ashes of Holocaust victims collected from a Nazi death camp cremation ovens. Artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff said that he kept the ashes for a while before mixing them with water to create gray streaks in a painting, using them as if the ash contained energies or memories or ‘souls’ from people… people tortured, tormented and murdered by other people in one of the 20th Century’s most ruthless wars.” Von Hausswolff’s art might have been a tribute to him, but critics denounced as an “unimaginably barbaric act” and “repulsive in the extreme.”

Participants take part in the March of Life event at the Former Nazi Death Camp Majdanek in Lublin August 22, 2012.(Reuters / Agencja Gazeta) 

Explore all forms of art by signing up for a class on painting. If you have something you’re passionate about or an issue you think deserves exploration, look into expressing yourself through art. Learn how to use paint to illustrate people, places, scenes, or issues. You will receive specific instruction on how to mix colors, which brush strokes to use to achieve specific special effects, and basic tips on setting up your canvas or art surface to have the best possible composition for your art. Once you master the basics of painting, you will be able to bring your visions to life. Ask instructors about the ethics and different issues presented to artists while expressing themselves for more insight on these

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