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Details emerge for next year’s Art Stage Singapore

The latest installment of Art Stage Singapore is set to dazzle and unite the Southeast Asia art market as one of the first big art shows of the new year. Scheduled for the middle of January, the show aims to unite art in Singapore with art from the rest of the region, which is posed to become a major player in the global art world. Now is an even more important time than ever to put on a united front in the Southeast Asia art world, which competes with bigger markets in China, Europe, and beyond.
The organizer of Art Stage Singapore cites that reason for this year’s theme, which is called “Only Together Can We Be Strong.” Blending the strengths of art in Singapore and its neighboring nations in the region can be seen as only a good thing, making artists’ work in the area be seen as a driving force to tell the story of the region to the rest of the art world. Since Singapore is the smallest country in the Southeast Asia region — and, in fact, one of the smallest countries in the entire world — it particularly benefits art in Singapore to band together with art from its neighbors to show the world what the region has to offer.
In light of global economic issues and the changing tides of politics around the world, Art Stage Singapore is poised to examine the role of art in the world, and — more specifically — the role of Southeast Asia’s art in terms of its creative influences. While many people might be able to visit an art gallery or museum and look at and enjoy art, many artists do not have the luxury of producing art simply for art’s sake. Committed artists must also take into account what art might be lucrative, or might at least support their lifestyles and ability to make more art without the distraction of worrying about bills or taking care of their families. Singapore, along with the rest of Southeast Asia, looks to market its art to collectors around the world, particularly those who may have more money at their disposal to purchase art. There will be a wide range of diverse art on display at Art Stage Singapore, featuring masterpieces from nearly thirty countries.
Get in the spirit of Art Stage Singapore by seeing just what kind of art you can create yourself. Sign up for an art class today via SGArtClass.com. SGArtClass.com is a comprehensive website containing everything from informational art articles to exhaustive lists of art classes you can take. It doesn’t matter if you have experience in art lessons or if you’re a beginner to the genre. Art teachers of every area are highly trained to teach you the skills you need to complete projects in the genre of your choice, including oil painting, sketching, digital photography, and more.
For more details about the upcoming show, go to http://popspoken.com/arts/2016/11/art-stage-singapore-2017.

  • March 16, 2017
  • Blog

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