We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Women Gather to Create Art Together

These weekly meetings take place in the art center. Any woman is free to come and bring whatever project she is working on. Some bring needlepoint. Others bring paintings are chalk pastel pieces.

“People come and go,” Nancy Shoenewe said. “They can bring any type of artwork.”

Shoenewe is a retired English teacher. “I’m still teaching, but I have more time for art,” she said.


Read the entire Daily Reporter article at http://www.spencerdailyreporter.com/story/1981556.html.

Read the entire Daily Reporter article at http://www.spencerdailyreporter.com/story/1981556.html.

The art gatherings provide an outlet for women and a great excuse to create.

“It’s a community gathering,” Shoenewe said. “They let us come here and sit in the natural light. They really encourage local talent; it’s very pleasant.”

Shoenewe points to the importance of having a set place and time to work on art.

“It’s good to have a time committed to art,” she added. “We always make excuses in favor of something else, like housework. It’s good to have a time specifically set aside for art.”

Enroll today in an art class of your choosing with a focus on a genre you’re particularly interested in. Pick from painting, pastels, figure drawing, murals, sewing, and more. Taking an art class will help encourage you to set aside enough time to be creative. With regular meeting times and reasonable schedules, art classes will help you embrace and improve upon your creative talent. Classes may even become a fun community to gather with like-minded creative individuals.

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