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Woman Starts Sewing Club

Bell, who arrived in Hong Kong 16 years ago as a flight attendant, thought that the time was right for her to embrace her passion. With a full-time job as a general secretary for Dragonair Pilots Association, she created a sewing club.

Bell has been sewing since childhood.

“I learned to sew from my mother,” she said. “As a teenager I loved making clothes for myself and friends. After college, I lost interest in sewing and didn’t take it up again until years later when I lived in Berlin. It’s a chance for people that love to sew and craft to get together.”

Woman Starts Sewing Club


“Some of my best friends are fellow sewers,” she said. “You learn about people and their lives while they sew. We all enjoy a good laugh and a chat, too. It helps us all to de-stress.”

If you’re interested in learning more about sewing, consider enrolling in a class today. Instruction will teach the very basics — including threading needles and operating a standard sewing machine — for those who are just beginning on their sewing journeys. For more advanced students, expert teachers will guide them in more challenging pursuits. All students will have the opportunity to create projects that interest them the most — from customized clothes to accessories to items for the home.


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