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Woman Pursues Dream of Sewing for a Living

After she graduated from high school, Stewart wanted to enter fashion school. She loved sewing and had always had a knack at it, sitting at a sewing machine ever since she was a little girl.

Instead, life interfered. She put sewing on the backburner, always keeping it as a hobby, as she became a fitter and turner. From there, she owned an ice cream shop, dabbled in the advertising industry, and worked as a dry cleaner.



It wasn’t until three years ago that Stewart switched gears, looking to open up a business devoted solely to sewing — her favorite thing to do. Her new shop, I Sew, was such a success that she had to move into a bigger facility and hire workers just a year and a half after opening.

Now, she thrives while taking orders for projects that she and her fellow employees work on. She warns that it’s not an overnight process — everyone takes pride in their work and wants to do a good job. I Sew also offers sewing classes for anyone interested in the craft.

Sewing is a useful and artistic pursuit that could become a lucrative undertaking for those with the proper skills and training. Take a sewing class today to boost your knowledge of the craft. Classes can be tailored to suit specific techniques of the students and can range from beginning skills to more advanced projects


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