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Woman Finds Joy in Life Through Art

Some people spend all their lives looking for something they can be passionate about. Other people, however, embrace topics that deeply interest them and devote their entire lives to the subject. Enid Carole Swanson was one of the second type of people.

Joy in Life Through Art


Swanson led a long, full life before dying at age 87. She had six children throughout her years but always harbored a love for an interest in art. After her children grew older and she found she had more time on her hands, she began exploring with watercolor, oil, and acrylic painting. Swanson filled her days by attending art classes and socializing with different art groups and leagues. “It was a huge part of her life,” said Janet Biechlin, one of Swanson’s daughters.

Are you ready to find a lifelong passion? Tired of your usual hobbies? Take an art class — or several different ones — to explore a relaxing a rewarding lifestyle through art. If you find yourself with a new schedule that allows for plenty of free time and the chance to pursue something new, consider signing up for a painting class. Classes can cover all different mediums in painting, including watercolors, oils, and acrylics. Through instruction, anyone can learn to master everything from the best way to load your paintbrush with paint to how to blend the perfect color for your work of art. You will soon be able to paint anything your mind can come up with, from landscapes to portraits to abstract masterpieces.

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