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Watercolors Give Woman Access to Organization

After the society turned down her application, Goltz continued to practice a paint watercolors.



“My biggest surprise at this point is becoming a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society. Four years ago, a friend and I applied and failed,” Goltz said. “But I tried again, and in June of 2011 I was accepted.”

Goltz prefers people as her watercolor subjects.

“Portraits are my favorite. In my experience as a counselor, I was intrigued by people’s unique life stories,” Goltz said. “I found that no matter what situation, each person had their own beauty, either outwardly or inwardly.”

That beauty was best distilled and translated through watercolor.

“I love working with watercolor. The medium flows, with the water and color moving together,” Goltz said. “There’s something so spiritual and free about it.”

If you’ve always been fascinated by watercolor painting, now is the time to take a class to explore your interest. Enroll in sessions on watercolor painting today to explore all the different ways you can use the medium to paint the subject. Expert instructors will teach students how to mix colors, use more or less water to affect the opacity of the hues, and apply the paint to paper and other surfaces for the maximum effect. Once you understand the basics, you will be ready to move on to portraits, landscapes, and other painting subjects that interest you the most.

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