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Volunteer Donates New Life to Library Walls

“I did this not as a commission, but as a volunteer,” Lee said. “I love libraries. I spent a lot of time in libraries growing up.”

Lee covered the walls of the Porter Memorial Library’s children’s section with colorful action featuring a monkey as the main character.



“The library board had some ideas about bringing more life to the children’s area, where they use a monkey puppet for story time,” Lee said. “They had this vision of a monkey, living in a jungle space, and I incorporated some educational elements like numbers and letters to make it somewhat interactive.”

The painting stretches across the walls in the library, showcasing bright, child-friendly colors and characters. Part of the painting shows vivid flowers attended to by friendly bees. Others shoe a silly looking monkey cavorting across simple vines and interacting with strangely shaped birds.

Sign up for a class on painting today to begin to explore all the different projects available once you gain a basic understanding of the artistic genre. If you’re already artistically inclined, classes can focus on areas you’re most interested in, such as murals, decorative wall painting, and more. You will be able to take your skills to then next level, completing any project you want to. If you’ve never tried your hand at anything artistic, there are classes for you, too. Learn the basics, such as color mixing, color theory, how to load your brush with paint, and brush strokes to give you the background necessary to start creating.

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