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Tourism, Initiatives Help Boost Folk Art

In the past, preserving the many different cultures in the region was difficult.

“These folk arts were used by local people to pass down their cultures and history,” said Hou Huizhe, deputy secretary-general of China Arts and Crafts Association.

“With the development of the tourism industry, production of handicrafts as souvenirs is also an important way for locals to boost their income,” she added.

In the Qiandongnan prefecture, silver making used to only be a part-time activity for the people. Now, however, increased tourism and marketing of the product have increased the local residents’ livelihood.

“Talent training and brand building are also crucial for helping promote folk arts and the handicraft industry to domestic and international markets,” said Hou Huizhe of China Arts and Crafts Association.

Practicing folk art is an excellent way to embrace culture and history. Enroll today in a folk art class to explore many different artistic practices. Students will get a broad education in several unique projects, including jewelry, embroidery, batik, and more. You will be sure to find a specific handicraft that you will enjoy working on. Folk art made by your own hands make meaningful gifts that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.

Read the entire China Daily article at http://africa.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2013-07/27/content_16840678.htm.

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