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Textile Exhibit Celebrates Diversity of Queen City

Refugees and others from a slew of places around the world, including Africa, Asia, and South America, are contributing to the culture of Manchester.

Customs, art, and other practices are becoming common sights in this Connecticut town, with not place more invested than a local art museum. On display is an exhibit that explores textiles from Africa.

The textile exhibit has been special particularly to those residents hailing from Africa because it reminds them of making their own fabrics before they left the continent for the United States. It celebrates the craftsmanship and creativity of what they left behind and reminds them of things that are still possible here, thousands of miles away from home.

In African culture, textiles denote such things as wealth, power, and prestige whether they are used to clothe the wearer, carry a baby, or shroud a recently deceased person. They can also pay tribute to anything from the artisan’s imagination to documenting real-life events, such as U.S. presidents’ visits to Africa.

Enroll today in a sewing class to explore the vast possibilities in the world of textiles. Classes range from beginning skills, such as techniques needed to master a sewing machine, to advanced classes. Students can expect to complete projects of their choosing, including sewing or altering their own clothes and other textile items, as well as exploring decorative sewing techniques, such as embellishments and embroidery.

Read the entire Union Leader article at http://www.unionleader.com/article/20140102/NEWHAMPSHIRE01/140109925.


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