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Singaporean government plans to encourage more art engagement

Officials within the Singaporean government have big plans to help inspire more community closeness and engagement, and they plan to utilize art to make it happen.

Officials are examining a variety of ways to inspire more participation in the arts, including a special program for young students to attend art events. The objective for such a program is to inspire, from an early age, an appreciation for the art community that will carry well into their adult lives. If children learn to understand and love art while they are still young, they would be more likely to support the arts as they grow older, including purchasing pieces, participating in community events, and regularly visiting museums and galleries. Officials are confident that if they begin a program that introduces students to art in an organized manner, students will cherish it as a part of their lives.

To help with this endeavor, the government is looking to bring art groups in to brainstorm different approaches to outreach. In exchange for the groups’ help, the government will, in turn, start coming up with ways to better support art groups, including providing important funding, assisting with recruitment, and helping to organize training for members of the groups, when necessary and applicable. It’s essential for art organizations to participate in fostering a love for art in children, especially since members of these groups intimately understand what it takes to put on successful creative programming.

For one government official, truly successful art engagement in Singapore means reaching out to the idea of a young child passing by art in their daily life and being in awe of it. That’s why the government is also pursuing project ideas for more public art spaces and opportunities throughout the nation. Hand in hand with this effort is an examination of the beloved Little India neighborhood and what is being done to preserve the art and heritage in the area. The government official speaking on the issue says that a balance is being struck to clean and beautify the neighborhood, make it accessible to tourists, and still maintain the charm of the area.

Start engaging with art today by enrolling in an art class. Visit SGArtClass.com to browse the wide variety of art classes available. Whether your interest lies in collage art, photographic art, or acrylic painting, there is sure to be a class that will ignite your creative passion. Expert teachers familiar with instructing students of all ages and skill levels will be on hand to help you learn the techniques you need in your classes. You can even sign up with a group of friends or colleagues for a fun option to socialize or develop creative problem solving skills. Who knows? You might even find that you had artistic talent hidden away inside of you that you never knew about before.

To read more about the plans for student engagement with the arts community, go to http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/building-students-interest-in-heritage-community-engagement-in/3524038.html.

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