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Singapore art fair features strong showing of Philippine creators

The result was a new appreciation in Singapore for the artwork created by Filipino artists and an excitement from Singaporean gallery owners to explore more of a partnership with artists from the Philippines.

Art Apart, a unique show hosted in the Parkroyal on Pickering, gives an unexpected exhibition space for artists in the fine hotel. Spaces ranged from bright indoor rooms to rooftop gardens and other outdoor spaces, ensuring that artists could choose to show their works in the places that would highlight their strengths the most.

Rosalind Lim, the director and founder for the art fair, said she was excited to have helped fly in Filipino artists in order to open Singaporean art connoisseurs’ eyes to the power and promise of art from the Philippines. Attendees and artists alike at the art fair all expressed a wish for Lim to continue to support masterpieces coming from the Philippines.

One of the most popular Filipino artists who took part in the art fair was Ramon Orlina, whose preferred artistic medium is glass. Orlina brought 13 brand new pieces of glass sculptures to the show. The sculptures received interest and congratulations from many of the fair’s attendees. Each a complicated abstract vision realized in fragile forms, the sculptures were executed expertly in clear glass, drawing viewers to look inward to the fine craftsmanship. Orlina himself complimented the organization and effort of Art Apart, saying that it was exciting to see work from both the Philippines and beyond presented in such an attractive space.

One of the most special parts of this edition of Art Apart was a donation from Stanley Quek. Quek, a doctor and real estate magnate, and his donation encouraged artists to make art in front of visitors during the fair. While artists got time to work on their creative pursuits, attendees got the chance for an intimate education on just what went into the process of each masterpiece. Artwork sold as a part of this special display both benefited the artist who sold it and a charity. Quek said he decided to sponsor this special exhibition as a way to help support new artists while showing people perhaps unfamiliar with the art world all of the work it took to produce a painting, sculpture, or other artwork.

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For more information about the art fair, go to http://lifestyle.inquirer.net/206482/singapores-unique-boutique-art-fair-features-philippine-artists.

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