We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Shop Provides Venue for Creative Socializing

Pieces range from holiday figurines to mugs and other dishes. For some, the pastime is a good way to do something while spending time with loved ones.

“Here you can sit down and talk with friends and when you’re done, you can walk away with something,” said Jessica Boggs, one of the shop’s regular customers. She explained that going out to a movie with friends isn’t as social as painting pottery because you can’t talk during movies.

Other people agree, saying that painting pottery is a great way for everyone to get together. “Everybody enjoys it. We’re not all good at it but we like it. It’s kind of relaxing,” Terri Gabbard said. A large group of her friends decided to paint pottery instead of going out to eat.

Painting pottery is an accessible art form. “If I can make something I can be proud of, anybody can make something they can be proud of,”  said Laya Hutchison, owner of The Pottery Place.

Painting doesn’t always have to take place on a canvas. Sign up for a painting class today to explore all the different ways you can apply painting to anything you desire. Students will learn how to choose different sizes and styles of brushes for different applications of paint. For example, smaller detail work requires a small brush with a fine tip. Larger expanses need a larger, broad bristled brush.

Read the entire Daily Independent article at http://dailyindependent.com/local/x2056584531/Preference-for-painting.

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