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Sewing Groups Use Skills for Good Cause

The groups came together to make peace quilts, which addressed issues pertinent to the regions each group represented.

In addition to the peace quilts, the Respect event featured speakers about building peace around the region and world.

The groups’ peace quilts were symbolic of a larger effort for everyone to come together from across the world to push for peace. Just as every stitch makes a quilt, one speaker said, every effort to come together will eventually bring the right combination of people and resources together to inspire peace. A common theme was that if everyone just does a little bit — such as supplying a bit of fabric or performing a few stitches to unite two pieces together — eventually, a larger tapestry and better world view will be created.



Each one of the peace quilts displayed symbols and colors that were typical to the region that each group hailed from. They will continue to be displayed at subsequent peace and rally events.

Sewing can take on all shapes and forms and community activism is no different. Enroll today in a class on sewing to explore all the incarnations the craft can take on. Students will be able to set their own agendas as a part of the course, meaning that they can influence everything from what they learn to which projects they complete. This can include quilting, fine art projects, clothing alterations, and more.


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