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Sewing Class Looks to Breathe New Life into Traditional Form

Sealaska Heritage Institute President Rosita Worl says the program has hosted four workshops so far.



“The idea here is to reintroduce traditional arts that were in danger, it looked like they may be lost,” Worl said. “A lot of our people forgot the skills associated with the use of seal skin and sea otter, and that’s why we have to be teaching that.”

Only natives can use the seal skins for the class since the seals are a protected species. Non-natives use imitation fur. Worl also said that teaching the skills will provide a source of income for some of the women so they can sell the moccasins they make.

“I thought maybe I should learn because nobody else will make them in the family anymore,” said Emily Arne, a 34-year-old woman taking the class. Arne added that she’d like to teach the techniques to her daughter one day.

Make your own clothing and moccasins by taking a class on sewing. With the proper education, students will learn how to effectively use the correct techniques to design and make their own fashions. Advantages of sewing your own wardrobe include having beautiful clothing that no one else has, saving money on expensive fashion items, and being able to tailor your items to your own body size. Sessions will focus on the development of all the skills required for sewing, including measuring, cutting fabric, using a sewing machine, using a needle and thread, sizing, and more.

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