We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.


Kindly submit a form and we will respond within 1-3 business days. Thank you.

We are dedicated to fostering creativity and artistic expression within our community through engaging workshops. As we continue to grow, we are open to partnerships with companies that share our passion for the arts. 

To forge creative partnerships with SGArtClass.com if you like to bring your company’s products / brand to our clients and participants through enhanced brand exposure and / or community engagement, kindly use the form below.

We frequently receive requests to conduct free art workshops in exchange for exposure on social media. Please note that we already sponsor workshops for selected causes we support. Thank you

We currently partner with companies only and are unable to accommodate individual partnerships at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Company website address (if different from your corporate email)
If you chose "Others" in the previous question, please provide further details. We will review your submission and contact you if we require additional information regarding your proposal. Thank you.