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Painting Gives Retired Woman New Passion

Eisen had always loved art, but her busy lifestyle didn’t allow for much time to create paintings.

“I was a very busy, focused mom, wife, engineer and teacher,” Eisen said. “I only did about a dozen paintings between my teens and mid-20s, but started back up in retirement.”

After Eisen gave up engineering and teaching, she found she had more time to hone her creative techniques. She began experimenting with different mediums of paints before settling on a favorite one — oil.



“I don’t like having to rush with my art,” Eisen said. “The oils give me time. I love the color and the buttery feel of the oils. Using them gives me a rush of excitement.”

Eisen is a self-taught talent whose work was recently featured at an art gallery.

“I know it sounds corny, but I hope they get the same thrill that I did with each brush stroke as I created it,” Eisen said of those art lovers who may see her work at the gallery. “To me, it’s just like Christmas. You get to open that package Christmas morning, but until then, you’re just creating the package.”

Enroll today in a class on oil painting to practice your artistic skills. You don’t have to wait until retirement to find time to pursue your creative passions. Oil painting classes will focus on every level of the craft, including such basics as color mixing to achieving a smooth look on your canvas.

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