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Mural Touts Town’s Ties to Route 66

The Route 66 mural features images of historic cars and the iconic U.S. 66 signage. It was installed via tiles in the downtown area of Galena.

“This is all part of the renovation and revitalization of Galena,” said Paul Whitehill, owner of the Images in Tile business that made the mural. “It’s amazing. Route 66 is the greatest discovery here since lead and zinc.”

Fans of the historic route are already lining up to see the work of art.

“I think it’s going to be one of the top photo spots on Route 66,” said Galena Mayor Dale Oglesby. “I think it’s extremely positive any time we can do anything involving our heritage, and the more private-funded projects the better. It’s really been a tremendous stimulus for tourism. It’s attracted worldwide attention.”

Another draw is the recent Disney movie Cars, which celebrated driving and all things Route 66. Part of the mural makes tribute to the animated feature.

“Route 66 is so vital to the community — the heritage, the nostalgia,” Whitehill said. “They really get it here.”

Sign up for a mural class today to learn all the different ways murals can be installed. Murals can be so much more than painting on a wall. You will get the opportunity to explore unique methods for creating murals, such as using tiles, photos, collages, and more as a part of the process.

Read the entire Joplin Globe article at http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x493361228/Galena-s-Route-66-tile-mural-being-installed.

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