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Manga Artist Brings Fantasy Closer to Reality

Takehiko Inoue married a passion to an artistic genre and has enjoyed stunning success because of it. The celebrated artist created the popular “Slam Dunk,” a manga series that has sold nearly 120 million copies. Whereas most manga tell stories with supernatural and fantastical themes, Inoue’s “Slam Dunk” was able to garner a wider audience because it was about basketball, which Inoue loves.

As an artist, there are many things that Inoue must keep in mind when creating his characters and stories. For one, he has an audience to entertain. He must successfully blend images and words to make a cohesive storytelling platform. Inoue also enlists his own characters to help drive a manga forward. “If you can have vivid characters, they will make the story themselves. By putting them in certain situations or having one meet another, they naturally make stories by reacting to each other,” he said.

Interested in learning how to draw manga but not sure how to get started? Take a class on comic and cartoon drawing today. You will receive thorough instructions on basic figure drawing, drawing action scenes, facial expressions, telling stories, and more. Personalized tutorials will focus on both problem areas or areas of particular interest, depending on what you want to get out of the lessons. If you’re having trouble with shading and perspective, you can choose to receive instruction covering those topics. If you’d rather explore color and movement in comics and manga, that option is also available.



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