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Man Journeys to Discover Great-Uncle’s Murals

Grell’s most recent discovery was a mural of two men holding hands. One appears to be an early pioneer while the other looks to be from an ancient Greco-Roman culture. The title of the work is “Man’s Confidence in Man.”

“This is a rare find,” Grell said. “The painting shows two burly guys’ holding hands. I think he was trying to portray hard-working men. It was the middle of the depression, after all.”

Grell began his search on the 125th anniversary of his great-uncle’s birth year. Louis Grell was a professional muralist.

“That was his primary source of income, even during the depression,” Richard Grell said.

Grell decided to find his great-uncle’s paintings for a number of reasons.

“My dad had recently passed away and I decided to do this sort of as a tribute to him,” Grell said.



Also, “it’s very important, historically,” he said.

If you’re interested in making your mark on a community or point of history, think about enrolling in a class on mural painting today. Painting murals is a great way to provide commentary and context on current events and social issues. Though murals might not always be permanent, they are a way to participate in and beautify a community. Classes will cover how to use composition and other painting skills to create a mural in several different spaces — including walls of all sizes, corners, windows, and other surfaces.



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