We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Man Blends Sculpture, Painting in Works

“I want people to be able to say, ‘I’ve never seen anything like this ever,’” he said.



Allen’s paintings are three-dimensional. He uses a mixture of plaster of Paris, pumice, and other materials to build up the texture on the canvas before painting over it. Allen also enjoys using warm, rich colors that convey an enticing appearance. His work in acrylic paints is coated with clear glaze, protecting the artwork. The end result is art people want to touch.

“That type of response is going to secure the fact that this is what I should be doing and that I made the right decision,” he said. “I’ve always dibbled and dabbled in art … I always loved it. I just recently got serious about it.”

Take a class on acrylic painting to learn how to express yourself on canvas. Once students master the beginning steps, they will be able to pursue their particular passions. Not all paintings have to be serious. Some can give stylized treatments to classic subjects, such as portraits and landscapes. Others can utilize bright colors to create their own take on their artwork. Students will have the chance to experiment with a variety of different types of acrylic painting, including using materials like Allen to create rich texture and a touchable art experience. Soon, pupils will be able to use glues, papers, and other medium to build a sculpture on canvas.

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