We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Kite Making (Team Building)

Kite Making Team Building Workshop

Kite making is a timeless craft that brings out creativity and teamwork. Participants will explore the art of kite making, from designing their own kites to flying them in the sky. The experience is enhanced with the use of various kite making kits and kite making supplies, making it an engaging and educational activity for all involved.

Understanding Kite Making Kits and Supplies

Participants begin by exploring the different kite building supplies provided, including kite material like bamboo, paper, and string. Each team is equipped with a kite building kit that contains everything needed to build your own kite. These kits are designed to cater to different skill levels, from kite making kits for adults to simpler versions suitable for beginners.

Collaborative Kite Design and Construction | Team Building Activity

Teams are encouraged to brainstorm and create unique kite designs. Participants learn to build their kites from scratch, using kite making material and kite making kits specifically curated for this workshop. The process of making a kite from scratch fosters collaboration, as team members work together to bring their ideas to life.

Flying and Testing the Kites

Once the kites are constructed, teams head outdoors to test their creations. The excitement of seeing a kite take flight is unmatched. Whether it’s a big kite soaring high or a small kite darting through the air, the sense of accomplishment is palpable. This stage involves adjusting the kite decoration material and ensuring the kite’s balance, with team members offering support and suggestions.

Customization and Creativity

Participants can further personalize their kites with decorative kite making elements. The workshop encourages creativity through kite decoration crafts, allowing teams to decorate their own kites using vibrant colors and patterns. This aspect of the workshop not only enhances the visual appeal of the kites but also strengthens the bond among team members as they collaborate on the final touches.

Reflection and Takeaways | Can be customized to your Theme 

The workshop concludes with a reflection session where teams discuss their experiences. They reflect on the skills learned, such as problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork. The activity of making a kite and kite decoration becomes a metaphor for overcoming challenges and achieving collective goals in the workplace.


The Kite Making Team Building Workshop is a perfect blend of creativity, craftsmanship, and collaboration. By engaging in kite making—from using a build your own kite kit to flying the finished product—participants not only create something beautiful but also strengthen their team dynamics. Whether it’s easy kite making craft for beginners or intricate designs like box kite making and bird kite making, this workshop offers a unique and memorable team-building experience.