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Inside Out celebration shows world the emerging artists of Singapore

Government officials in Singapore weren’t sure for a while of what to promote as distinctly Singaporean ahead of the nation’s 50th birthday. While many residents of the country say that dining out and shopping are two of the strongest selling points for Singapore, officials decided to look to the nation’s emerging art scene as a way to promote itself during the celebrations.

For many visitors of Singapore, the country might appear as if it lacks a distinct cultural identity. This is because of the country’s relative young age, having gained independence from Malaysia just 50 years ago. That’s why officials decided to push for increased recognition of a fledgling art scene, promoting native artists, filmmakers, musicians, writers, and more to the forefront with its 50th birthday celebration. While encouraging visitors and citizens alike to seek out art, officials also look to grow Singapore’s artistic footprint and set up a creative legacy for the next 50 years and beyond. The biggest proof of this effort is National Gallery Singapore, which will open at the end of November with the largest collection of art from the Southeast Asian region.

Art circles around the world are taking note of the creative efforts to promote the country’s growing art scene, and an upcoming art show in New York City, Singapore: Inside Out, will showcase some of the nation’s most exciting new artists.

Singapore: Inside Out will feature artists, musicians, dancers, reading of pieces, and public speakers all designed to bring Singaporean art to a broader world audience. In a remarkable dedication to innovation, different artists and performers will be separated within a large scaffolding, exhibiting and creating and educating throughout the event. Tours throughout the day will encourage attendees to engage with the artists, asking questions in an effort to understand the unique approach artists from the region bring to the world’s collective creative table.

One such artist who will take part in Singapore: Inside Out is named Speak Cryptic. Cryptic’s art invites viewers in to take part in his personal artistic experience. He works mostly in black and white because he is part color blind, meaning that attendees who step into his exhibit space will get to try to understand how he sees the world through his art. Viewers will be able to experience his work and artistic philosophy, both stemming from his home of Singapore — the primary aim of the nation’s push for local art in its 50th birthday.

Help communicate your broader life experience by signing up for an art class today through SGArtClass.com. Art is an experience that both transcends language and culture and works to bring a wider understanding and acceptance for communities across the world. Help bring awareness of all that Singapore has to offer by enrolling in a class on drawing, painting, sculpting, fabric arts, murals, nail art, and much more. There are art classes for nearly every interest — you just have to find yours.

To learn more about Singapore’s developing art scene, go to http://skift.com/2015/09/15/singapore-repositions-image-as-a-cultural-hub-with-local-artists/.

  • September 28, 2015
  • Blog

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