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Floating masterpieces a celebration of Singapore

27th July 2015

A new floating art installation, commissioned in honor of a river cleanup project, has truly been a group effort. Hundreds of people participated in creating close to 20 large paintings. The masterpieces were then mounted on floats and displayed in the water itself, becoming a unique tribute to the efforts of making the river a cleaner and more beautiful place to visit. Viewable from the banks of the river or from boating on the water itself, the masterpieces act as a creative stamp to beautify the body of water and its surrounding areas.

Each artwork is a way for those who live in Singapore to celebrate their home’s rich history, vibrant present and hopeful outlook for the years to come. Real teamwork is on display in the masterpieces, creating a sense of community in the special exhibition. The floating paintings are as beautiful and different as the people who contributed their time and talents to create them. One painting boldly stands out with simple primary colors — red, blue, and yellow — in a riotously fun depiction of a country it is proud to represent. Other masterpieces feature favorite scenes and sights from around the country — bright, floating testaments to all of the wonderful things Singapore has to offer.

Government official Yaccob Ibrahim said that the project is one of a myriad of initiatives to improve and commend the island nation and the people living there. Ibrahim added that residents should continue to work toward goals of improving the country so that future generations can enjoy all of the effort put into making Singapore so great.

As a testament to the ongoing legacy of the desire for self-improvement, the cleanup project for the Kallang River was first envisioned by the country’s first prime minister. With missions like this one, which serve to make Singapore an even better place, both leaders of the nation and the people who live there can work together to make the country be the best place possible and preserve it for years to come.

At SGartclass, you can discover all of the different and unexpected ways in which you can create art. Artwork doesn’t always have to be created in traditional ways. Expert teachers leading classes of your choosing can show you how to think outside the frame and make a work of art for any and all occasions. Create a masterpiece that will float, such as the exhibit on the Kallang River in Singapore, or complete an artwork that honors a special moment in your own life.

Invite a group of friends to collaborate on a single piece of art that speaks of your friendship, or organize an artistic excursion for coworkers in order to bond while exploring the teamwork that goes behind creating such a project. SGartclass will help you tailor your art class to the experience that will benefit you the most.

For more information about the Water Art Gallery, visit http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/kallang-river-hosts/2008048.html

  • July 27, 2015
  • Blog

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