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Elementary Students Create Art Together Across Globe

The art exchange program helps raise funds for charities around the globe. The Evansville elementary school’s art teacher, Alice Work, helps to develop several collections that sponsor different causes.

“We have these art collections that we want to share with other people, and we also want to continue to support some organizations and charities,” Work said. “This was kind of a natural thing to follow through because the kids like to publish, and people like to display children’s art. So it was very natural for this to come about, for them to get their art on the road, and we can continue to help charity and the can feel like they’re a part of the community and helping out.”

The fifth-graders enjoy creating art with their Chinese counterparts, as well.

Read the entire Evansville Courier & Press article at http://www.courierpress.com/news/2013/sep/20/cp/

Read the entire Evansville Courier & Press article at http://www.courierpress.com/news/2013/sep/20/cp/

“I just come in here and draw forever,” student Andrew Storms said. “It’s cool to add my own touch, but a little different because I didn’t know what they (the Chinese student) wanted it to look like.”

In one project, the Chinese students draw a vase and the American students draw the flowers.

“They are much better drawers than I am, but it was kind of cool mixing our different cultures into one art piece,” student Paige Carter said. “Kind of through the drawings, you can kind of figure out more of their culture.”

Sign your child up for a drawing class today. Through careful instruction, they can learn about different cultures through art.

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