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Drawing a picture of a new life together

Rory Donald is lucky his fiancée can picture him in her life as well as he can picture her in his. According to the Daily Mail, Donald asked longtime girlfriend Cheryl Lucas to marry him on the dedication page of a book he illustrated. The question was published in the children’s book “Pigs Might Surf,” featuring Donald’s whimsical and bright drawings.

“To Cheryl — will you marry me? x — Rory” appeared in the book. Donald popped the question on one knee at the couple’s local bar — holding the book for Lucas and illustrating his love for her. She accepted, but if she hadn’t, “I’d had to have bought every copy of the book myself to ensure no-one saw the proposal page,” Donald said. The couple married recently at the same bar as the proposal. Lucas wore a traditional white wedding dress, but Donald decided to wear an outfit emulating his favorite character in children’s literature — Willy Wonka.

You might not use your illustration skills for something as dramatic as a published marriage proposal, but you can always try by taking one of our cartoon and comic drawing classes. Our classes will enable you to tell your story visually — perhaps giving you the ability to communicate your love to that special someone. With private classes, you can focus on a specific area of cartooning or comic drawing, such as children’s book illustrations, or any other type of art from this area of expertise.

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