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Contemporary arts set for center stage in biennale

3rd August 2015

The slightly delayed art event will begin in October of 2016 and span through February of 2017, making room for Singapore’s birthday and artworks designed to celebrate it. Attendees of previous biennales shouldn’t be disheartened for the rescheduling, however. Artistic venues from around the country will be presenting art ahead of Singapore’s 50th birthday, making the coming months some of the most artistic in recent history.

A previous installment of this extraordinary exhibition featured a theme exploring thoughts on “if the world changed” and included dozens of artists collaborating and creating from countries from around the world. One example of an artwork from a previous installment of the Singapore Biennale is the sprawling “Between Worlds” sculpture by the artist Nasirun. The sculpture featured multiple circular platforms that displayed glass bottles akin to the equipment used in chemistry. Many of the bottles reflected both the light of the surrounding room and blue and white lights contained within the sculpture itself.

If the most recent Singapore Biennale is any indication, the upcoming artistic showcase will be a popular attraction to both art connoisseurs and casual attendees eager to see something new and exciting. In the last event, held from 2013 to 2014, 82 creative minds representing 13 nations from around the globe showed a variety of work, and the event ended up attracting over 555,000 art enthusiasts. To host such an explosive and vast collection of art, several different venues took part in the biennale.

The upcoming biennale — which will be marking its fifth occurrence — will also coincide with special celebrations for the Singapore Art Museum marking its 20th year of existence. The museum plans on many different events to celebrate art in Singapore while also taking into account the country’s 50th birthday. The museum is also the primary organizer for the event, meaning that officials there will take great care to come up with new and exciting ways to highlight the most talented artists’ offerings for display.

Contemporary arts are just one of many artistic genres that you can explore by signing up for an art class via Sgartclass.com. Enrolling in a tutorial that takes a close examination of contemporary arts will help you engage in art movements taking shape according to current events, culture and the world around them. Insert yourself into what’s going on right now by creating art and becoming part of the contemporary art movement. Classes on contemporary art can range in studies of the history of the genre, fellow artists creating art in the now, and various forms that contemporary art may take. You might find yourself planning a mural based on a community issue or current event, investigating protest signs as contemporary art pieces, or drawing inspiration for your own masterpieces using newspaper headlines, evening news programs, or even the current events shaping your own life.

For more information about the Singapore Biennale, see http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/arts/singapore-biennale-to-return-in-2016.

  • August 3, 2015
  • Blog

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