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Comic Artist Pursues Passion

After 11 years with the company and with the economy in a downturn, Lenox looked to revisit his first passion: art.

“I feel good I did it after not doing it for so long,” he said. “I feel I crossed a huge thing off my bucket list. I feel like I didn’t let myself down.”

Lenox’s style draws inspiration from many sources: movies, anime, and more.

“Even as a little kid, I liked doing stuff that was weird and richly detailed,” he said.

However, when Lenox first attempted to return to art, he had trouble completing his art. It wasn’t until an acquaintance asked him to work on a poster. Lenox enjoyed the project immediately.

“That was like the final thing that flipped the switch,” he said. “That was what I needed to push me over the edge.”

It’s never too late to find and embrace your true passion. Even if you have a regular career, taking the time to enroll in a class on comic drawing or illustration may lead to rewarding discoveries. Once you learn the basics, such as figure drawing, shading, and more, your hobby may take on new life — perhaps even becoming a new source of income. With illustration, you can put your skills to use through creating album covers, promotional posters and brochures, and other artistic projects that can become lucrative outlets for self-expression.

Read the entire Centre Daily Times article at http://www.centredaily.com/2013/03/03/3523383/two-worlds-comic-artist-returns.html.

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