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Mural Touts Town’s Ties to Route 66

The Route 66 mural features images of historic cars and the iconic U.S. 66 signage. It was installed via tiles in the downtown area of Galena.

“This is all part of the renovation and revitalization of Galena,” said Paul Whitehill, owner of the Images in Tile business that made the mural. “It’s amazing. Route 66 is the greatest discovery here since lead and zinc.”

Fans of the historic route are already lining up to see the work of art.

“I think it’s going to be one of the top photo spots on Route 66,” said Galena Mayor Dale Oglesby. “I think it’s extremely positive any time we can do anything involving our heritage, and the more private-funded projects the better. It’s really been a tremendous stimulus for tourism. It’s attracted worldwide attention.”

Another draw is the recent Disney movie Cars, which celebrated driving and all things Route 66. Part of the mural makes tribute to the animated feature.

“Route 66 is so vital to the community — the heritage, the nostalgia,” Whitehill said. “They really get it here.”

Sign up for a mural class today to learn all the different ways murals can be installed. Murals can be so much more than painting on a wall. You will get the opportunity to explore unique methods for creating murals, such as using tiles, photos, collages, and more as a part of the process.

Read the entire Joplin Globe article at http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x493361228/Galena-s-Route-66-tile-mural-being-installed.

Restored Jazz Mural Making More Music

Wyatt created the “Hollywood Jazz — 1945-1972” mural in 1990, commissioned by the Los Angeles Jazz Society. Wyatt went back to work in late 2011 to restore the work of art that had become a Los Angeles landmark.

“Nobody expected the kind of reaction it got,” Wyatt said of the mural.

The piece, which features jazz greats Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald, and others, has become a must-see location for tourists visiting Los Angeles. Some people close to those famous musicians offered their input to the muralist.

“Nat King Cole’s widow (Maria) asked me if I would show him wearing his favorite tie,” said Wyatt, 57. “And Joe Smith, who was president of Capitol at the time, asked me if I’d please include Ella Fitzgerald. Well, I’ve loved jazz my whole life, so that was a no-brainer.”

The restoration took about 15 months, Wyatt said, and presented constant challenges of firing the painting onto ceramic tiles to ensure a longer life.

“It required a lot of improvisation,” he said of lining up the tiles. “In that way, it’s a lot like jazz.”

Learning how to paint murals is an excellent way to combine both your love of art and another passion. Enroll today in a mural painting course that will teach you all the basics of creating these lasting and meaningful works. You’ll soon be able to pay tribute to historical figures, pay homage to famous figures, and share your loves with a wider audience.

Read the entire Los Angeles Times article at http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-hollywood-jazz-mural-20130219,0,1467048.story.


Painter Uses the Human Body as Canvas

Setiwan explores historical artistic masterpieces like scenes from Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling, Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night” and Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” but he doesn’t use traditional artistic techniques. Instead, Setiwan conducts body-painting workshops, transforming human models into works of art.

“This became a way for me to learn from the masters, but I also have to challenge myself because I only have a set amount of time to finish,” Setiawan said.

The added bonus of using human canvases helps his models to feel more self-confident, the artist says.



“No matter how beautiful they are, they feel like they’re not perfect,” Setiawan said of the models he paints. “This is an experience for them to embrace their bodies … and they’re like, ‘Wow! I’m beautiful.’”

Anna Papa, one of Setiwan’s models, embraced the whole experience.

“As a 25-year-old female, I have experienced many feelings of insecurity with my body,” she said. “However, when I looked at the final product, I did not see a flat chest and a chubby stomach. I saw a beautiful combination of different hues of blue, a tall mysterious building and yellow stars throughout the canvas — my body.

Don’t feel trapped by a canvas when you’re setting out to paint. Enroll today in an art class to explore all the different mediums you could use to create. Lessons that cover body and face painting will cover how to use brush strokes and color mixing that work best with skin.


Painting Becomes Emotional Experience for Artist, Viewers

Murphy paints for seven hours six days a week.

“It’s what I do,” he said.

The artist’s subjects range from landscapes to still life to nearly abstract nudes.

“My purpose as an artist is not primarily to express feelings and emotions but to generate them in the viewer,” he said.

His paintings do just that. Thick brush strokes elicit feelings of joy and importance in the viewer no matter what the subject is.

“Christus is able to make his oil paintings sing for the viewer with the fluidity in his brushstrokes, use of distortion and his years of insight,” said Theresa Stewart Hupp, owner of Stewart Gallery.

Murphy’s technique has been honed over constant practice over the years. Even though he went nearly twenty years without painting because he was disillusioned, he picked it right back up again.



“The way the paint goes on the canvas is so important,” he said.

If you’re frustrated with your artistic abilities, think about signing up for a class in oil painting today. Oil is the type of art most revered by the masters, but don’t let that intimidate you. With careful instruction and practice, all students will be able to successfully create their own oil masterpieces. Lessons will begin by covering the basics, including how to mix colors, using chemicals and other materials for different effects on the paint, and brushstrokes.

Man Journeys to Discover Great-Uncle’s Murals

Grell’s most recent discovery was a mural of two men holding hands. One appears to be an early pioneer while the other looks to be from an ancient Greco-Roman culture. The title of the work is “Man’s Confidence in Man.”

“This is a rare find,” Grell said. “The painting shows two burly guys’ holding hands. I think he was trying to portray hard-working men. It was the middle of the depression, after all.”

Grell began his search on the 125th anniversary of his great-uncle’s birth year. Louis Grell was a professional muralist.

“That was his primary source of income, even during the depression,” Richard Grell said.

Grell decided to find his great-uncle’s paintings for a number of reasons.

“My dad had recently passed away and I decided to do this sort of as a tribute to him,” Grell said.



Also, “it’s very important, historically,” he said.

If you’re interested in making your mark on a community or point of history, think about enrolling in a class on mural painting today. Painting murals is a great way to provide commentary and context on current events and social issues. Though murals might not always be permanent, they are a way to participate in and beautify a community. Classes will cover how to use composition and other painting skills to create a mural in several different spaces — including walls of all sizes, corners, windows, and other surfaces.



Stenciling Is Back in a Big Way

Stenciling is a fun, simple, and affordable way to decorate any sort of space or item. Those interested in using stencils in their home décor are encouraged to buy professionally designed stencils or develop their own.

“It’s become more of a decorator statement,” said Jane Gauss, a nationally recognized stenciling expert.

Stencils can be used in interior decorating, such as pastel colored chandeliers on a wall for an elegant focal point in a child’s room. Other designers and homeowners alike use stencils to dress up old furniture

“I’d like to do some more,” artisan Sandra Camp said. “It was so much fun.” She bought secondhand furniture and stenciled highly geometric shapes on the surface for a brand new look.

Others use stencils to create glazes over walls instead of committing to wallpaper.

Stenciling Is Back in a Big Way


“It’s really very livable,” said Melanie Royals, founder of stencil maker Royal Design Studio.

Interested in stenciling? Take a class today in the subject of decorative painting to learn more about the newest interior trend. Classes will help all students understand their own personal tastes in stenciling, such as patterns and textures versus recognizable images. Teachers will also cover how to use different techniques to create the most successful stenciling, including using a special brush or a paint roller. Students will also have the opportunity to cut and use their own personal stencils.


Woman Starts Sewing Club

Bell, who arrived in Hong Kong 16 years ago as a flight attendant, thought that the time was right for her to embrace her passion. With a full-time job as a general secretary for Dragonair Pilots Association, she created a sewing club.

Bell has been sewing since childhood.

“I learned to sew from my mother,” she said. “As a teenager I loved making clothes for myself and friends. After college, I lost interest in sewing and didn’t take it up again until years later when I lived in Berlin. It’s a chance for people that love to sew and craft to get together.”

Woman Starts Sewing Club


“Some of my best friends are fellow sewers,” she said. “You learn about people and their lives while they sew. We all enjoy a good laugh and a chat, too. It helps us all to de-stress.”

If you’re interested in learning more about sewing, consider enrolling in a class today. Instruction will teach the very basics — including threading needles and operating a standard sewing machine — for those who are just beginning on their sewing journeys. For more advanced students, expert teachers will guide them in more challenging pursuits. All students will have the opportunity to create projects that interest them the most — from customized clothes to accessories to items for the home.


Mural Brings the Ocean to the Library

The Watsonville Public Library had wanted to install a large aquarium to liven up the facility, but the funding just wasn’t there. They went for the next best thing — a vivid mural painted by a talented artist, Arturo Thomae.

The center’s principal librarian for public services, Heather Geddes, said that the mural has been very popular since its installation.

“The kids have loved it,” Geddes said. “They go in there, and look at it and point, ‘There’s a starfish, there’s a shark.’ It’s shown me how knowledgeable kids are about ocean life.”

The artist, Thomae, said that all of the creatures featured in the mural — including a dolphin, turtle, and jellyfish — are found in a nearby body of water. He hopes that his work of art serves as a learning tool for the children who enjoy it.

Mural Brings the Ocean to the Library


“Even the tiniest ones know the octopus,” he said.

Murals are a vibrant and effective way to start conversations, spark interest, and engage with a community. Enroll today in a class on painting murals to learn the skills necessary to reach out to your desired audience. Classes will focus on a variety of methods and techniques you need to create a beautiful and informative mural, including information on color theory, tips on composition, and practical tutorials on executing your vision for a wall that can be used instead as a blank canvas.


Flower Arrangements Brighten Indoor Spaces

Abbey Malheim of Hornbacher’s Village West recommends making or obtaining beautiful floral arrangements for a variety of reasons.

“Flowers are just that little added touch,” she said. “When you see a well-done arrangement, it’s got impact.”

Bright and attractive groupings of flowers can help bring both peace and excitement to an indoor space. Malheim knows better than most what makes an arrangement successful.

“I don’t think of myself as creative, I just let the flowers do the work,” she said.


Once a floral designer uses her artistic prowess to craft the perfect arrangement, they must use the proper techniques to ensure their flowers are the best they can be. This could range from using sharp scissors to cutting stems underwater.

“You want the first breath that flower takes to be water, not air,” Malheim said.

Once the smaller skills are mastered, anyone can enjoy a good flower arrangement, Prairie Petals’ Kimberly Hess said.

“Floral arrangements add depth, emotion and contrast to homes and spaces,” she said. “You usually think of at least two of those things when you see an arrangement because it’s not a solid, inanimate object.”

Does the idea of crafting a tactile and beautiful floral arrangement appeal to you? Enroll in a class on making flower arrangements today to start in your creative journey. Classes will cover everything from basic arrangement shapes to what colors and species of flowers work best together. Students will even learn common meanings behind types of flowers so they can create thoughtful and sensitive arrangements according to the circumstances.


Mural a Special Delivery to Post Office

The town of Fairfield, Conn., recently revealed a treasure of a mural originally commissioned by the U.S. Treasury Department. In the 1930s, the post office was part of the Treasury, and 1 percent of its cost had to go to the arts.

“It was a unique program,” said Ellen Hyde Phillips, a member of the Fairfield Arts Advisory Committee. “But it was not a relief program.”

As the art was installed in local post offices, postmasters would often demand that the artist make changes to the mural.

“They might see a chicken that was not exactly like the ones in their town and the artists would change them,” Phillips said. “Obviously, the postmaster had a lot of power.”


The people of Fairfield continue to investigate whether there are any other artworks from this same period that can be restored and displayed in town.

“We hope that this new addition to the history of Fairfield will be one of many cultural enhancements to Fairfield.,” First Selectman Michael Tetreau said.

Have your own chance to be a part of history by enrolling in a class on mural painting. Murals can become a part of a building, wall, or city. Learning how to paint the style of art can be a great way to make your mark on the community. Classes will investigate different artistic themes and styles and help students decide what will work best in a space for a mural.

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