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Special needs people express themselves through Art

There are many barriers to communication throughout the world. Some people may not be able to communicate because they speak different languages. Others may have a hard time expressing themselves because of a developmental issue. Art, however, is a common uniting factor and can be used to bring people from all different walks of life together.

Local Rotary Clubs around Malaysia recently organized a National Art Competition And Exhibition For Special Needs People to help individuals with learning disabilities shine in other areas of expression. The competitors displayed their art and the winners took home prizes. One such artist, Clement Ooi Kit Meng, 23, was accompanied by his mother. Clement was diagnosed as autistic when he was a young child. His parents supported him during the challenging situation.

“The most important thing for a parent with a special child is to never give up on them,” Clement’s mother said. She realized that Clement had the ability to express his creativity through beautiful paintings that she helps sell.

Art doesn’t have to be about simply creating something pretty. Enroll in a drawing or painting class today to begin expressing your inner thoughts through art. Once you master the basic techniques in the class of your choosing, you can communicate your feelings through creating paintings or drawings. You will also be able to use your new art skills to better relate to children or special needs people in your life. Art can be treated as the common denominator among all people.

Businesswoman learns work lessons through painting

Essential skills for succeeding in the business world do not always have to come from textbooks. Barbara T. Armstrong found several at the tip of a paintbrush.

While she was painting landscapes at a retreat, Armstrong realized lessons from art could be applied to the business world. First, painters control what they record in a landscape by adjusting their line of sight. Likewise, business leaders can focus on the bigger picture instead of getting bogged down in the details. It also dawned on Armstrong that light helps reveal and hide aspects in paintings. For businesses, shining light on issues helps understand where there might be dark areas. She also noticed that different painters could interpret landscapes in unique ways. In the office, coworkers should always respect their peers’ ideas and realize that they have just as much value as their own. Likewise, Armstrong improved as a painter by listening to the opinions of her group; collaborating with coworkers is necessary for success.

Art is not only about beauty. Enroll in a painting class to start enjoying benefits beyond creating masterpieces. Through lessons, you will learn discipline in painting in a variety of mediums — watercolor, acrylic, or oil. You will begin to understand, with professional guidance, how to develop your own style when creating pieces. Mastery of painting and its nuances will translate directly into a new set of skills in your professional life. You will be able to tackle work challenges with renewed creativity and a fresh perspective.

How to draw a manga girl

[embedplusvideo height=”298″ width=”480″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/d0DEC4UBrn8?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=d0DEC4UBrn8&width=480&height=298&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1084″ /]

Keen to learn how to draw manga? Express your interest in our enquiry form.

Drawing a picture of a new life together

Rory Donald is lucky his fiancée can picture him in her life as well as he can picture her in his. According to the Daily Mail, Donald asked longtime girlfriend Cheryl Lucas to marry him on the dedication page of a book he illustrated. The question was published in the children’s book “Pigs Might Surf,” featuring Donald’s whimsical and bright drawings.

“To Cheryl — will you marry me? x — Rory” appeared in the book. Donald popped the question on one knee at the couple’s local bar — holding the book for Lucas and illustrating his love for her. She accepted, but if she hadn’t, “I’d had to have bought every copy of the book myself to ensure no-one saw the proposal page,” Donald said. The couple married recently at the same bar as the proposal. Lucas wore a traditional white wedding dress, but Donald decided to wear an outfit emulating his favorite character in children’s literature — Willy Wonka.

You might not use your illustration skills for something as dramatic as a published marriage proposal, but you can always try by taking one of our cartoon and comic drawing classes. Our classes will enable you to tell your story visually — perhaps giving you the ability to communicate your love to that special someone. With private classes, you can focus on a specific area of cartooning or comic drawing, such as children’s book illustrations, or any other type of art from this area of expertise.

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