We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Cancer Survivors, Caretakers Invited to Paint

The Dufferin project took off in June at the community’s Relay for Life event. The canvas itself features 90 squares with dimensions of about 5 inches by 9 inches each.

Local artist Mike Grice has organized the effort, inviting cancer survivors and caretakers of cancer patients to contribute to the piece.

The overall theme of the painting is a bouquet of pink and yellow flowers. Each participant paints in one square, completing a small piece of the larger artwork. Grice admits that the colors and squares don’t match up, but the discrepancies don’t take away from the beauty of the work as a whole.



It’s more about the journey of cancer patients than the end result. He adds that many of the participants had no artistic background prior to painting on the canvas.

Much of the time, putting their own story in paint became an emotional experience for many of the participants.

When the large collaborative painting is finished, it will likely find a home in the office of a Dufferin cancer society, providing inspiration to everyone who visits it.

Interested in painting? Sign up for an acrylic painting class today to explore all the possibilities the artist genre has to offer. Acrylic painting is one of the most accessible forms of creating art, offering a starting point for even beginner students. Basic instruction may include proper brushstroke techniques and color mixing.

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