We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Cancer Survivor Expresses Story Through Paintings

The bright painting, which featured a girl splashing through a puddle filled with all the colors of the rainbow, won an art contest sponsored by Lilly Oncology for cancer survivors and their families. The colorful painting, which Griffin created using acrylic paints, will tour hospitals across the United States.



“I wanted it to be something happy,” Griffin said. “She’s moving forward.” The girl is skipping, her back to the viewer, through a vivid puddle, symbolizing Griffin moving forward with her own life. Griffin created the painting to celebrate beating her cancer after long, grueling treatments that left her physically weak. Despite not feeling well, she continued having a positive outlook on life. Her painting reflects her optimism.

“You can kind of lose yourself in” the process of painting, Griffin said. “Sometimes that’s good. It’s fulfilling.”

Enroll in a painting program today to start losing yourself in the creative process. Training can be adapted to artists of all abilities and will focus on the development of artistic skills no matter if students are beginners or more advanced. Expert teachers will help students explore their abilities through painting. Students can expect to learn how to use artistic features from a variety of periods of art, like the Impressionistic aspects of Griffin’s painting. Students will also be able to tailor their instruction to what they’re interested in. Teachers will be able to adapt their lessons to explore everything from realistic to abstract paintings.


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