We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Calligraphy Shows Art Comes in Many Forms



There aren’t many areas in life where imperfections become part of a finished product.

Calligrapher Natasha Lawrence teaches workshops on calligraphy throughout the southeastern United States. Even as an expert at the art genre, Lawrence knows that it’s better to embrace her stylistic hiccups rather than try to perfect them. “I’m not the greatest calligrapher in the world. I’m not, and I’m not sorry about that,” Lawrence said. “My style of calligraphy is my style.”

Students enroll in the workshops for a variety of reasons. Some simply want to learn something new, while another wants to add an extra fancy touch to her holiday greeting cards. Still another wants to save money in her upcoming wedding by making her own invitations with calligraphy.

If you’d like to try your skills at calligraphy, enroll in a calligraphy art class today. Even if you have poor penmanship or no experience whatsoever, clear and simple tutorials will help you develop all the techniques you’ll need to make beautiful and elegant letterforms. Lessons will cover calligraphy from all angles, including everything from materials you can expect to use to the physicality behind specific strokes for different styles of calligraphy. Mastering this art form can also be lucrative — start your own business making invitations, announcements, certificates, and more by hand.

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