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Best young artists featured in upcoming show

26th August 2015

One artist whose works rise above the rest will be given an award of $20,000 at a ceremony during a later date. The prize, meant to recognize rising talent, is nearly in its fifteenth year.

Tailored to reflect the newest names in cutting edge art, this exhibition will introduce a new generation of promising young creators to those who view it. All of the works that will be displayed during this special event have been developed under the tutelage of established, expert artists, meaning the work will be cutting edge with the added advantage of a voice of wisdom.

The collection of artists range in talents specializing in sculpture to filmmaking and more. Visiting the exhibition will breathe a breath of fresh air into previously held conceptions of art and challenge viewers to redefine their own notions about just what is art. For example, one of the artists who will be displayed at this show makes sculptures out of his own dead skin, crafting intricate works with materials that many people might never have considered to use for art — and might even find odd or unpleasant. Meanwhile, another artists uses books to make commentary on education, making the art museum’s resources readily available in an interactive display. . The collection of artists will be sure to both challenge and delight the viewer, pushing the boundaries of art while encouraging attendees to think deeply about what different art forms move them the most.

The director of the Singapore Art Museum, Dr. Susie Lingham, says that the broad range of the artists who will be exhibiting their works at the upcoming exhibit is a testament to the growing depth of the Singapore art scene. Amid Singapore’s 50th birthday, fresh faces and new talent are cementing a vibrant future in the art and creative world, she added. Art in the country will continue to reshape itself for as long as there are new and emerging voices embracing all different types of genres.

Starting an education in art as young as possible is important to develop not only a young artist’s mind, but also the way young artists develop their own creative process and approach to artistic genres. Sign your child up for an art class today to get a jump-start on creativity and artistic skills. Before an artist can develop their own unique styles of creating masterpieces, they must first master a range of basic artistic skills. At SGArtClass.com, we organize many different art classes to choose from. Once your young one gets a taste of drawing, use our resources to arrange for private and expert instruction in painting, sculpture, or any other genre. Or work with your child’s school to arrange for a group class so bourgeoning young artists can learn from one another.

To learn more about the artists to be featured in the upcoming show, go to http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/arts/presidents-young-talents-show-celebrates-rising-singapore-artists.

  • August 26, 2015
  • Blog

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