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Artist Finds Her True Self in Artwork

Though White never had formal art training, she has always led a creative life. “I never wore clothes off the rack, I always changed them, cut them, ripped them, tore them, adorned them, added to them — something to make them my own,” she said. But when her marriage began to turn sour, she turned to art to help express some of the pain and feelings

When the time came for her to leave her husband, White realized that, through her painting, she had developed an alter ego who was stronger than she was. That persona, whom she calls Blanc, gave White the ability to start anew. With this epiphany, “I could express myself any way I wanted, I felt so free, so strong,” White said.

Now, she lives with her two children in her own apartment, making a living running an art gallery and selling her paintings. To this day, White’s works of art are all vibrant and emotive. “You can release a lot of emotion on a canvas,” she said. “It can be very cathartic.”

Reach out to others by taking classes on acrylic painting. You can also tap into your feelings and express them on canvasses once you learn acrylic painting basics. Classes will focus on everything from color mixing to texture effects on canvas. Students will begin to understand that acrylics are an excellent medium to experiment with and build upon until the artwork truly reflects what they’re experiencing.

Read the entire Montreal Gazette article at http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Artist+Caroline+White+finds+strength+painting/7772616/story.html.


Teen Sketches Current Event Each Day

“There were days I didn’t want to do anything, but I knew I just had to be disciplined and keep doing it,” he said. “Sometimes I had to catch up a day or so later. It did take over a bit.”



Now, one year later from his resolution, the 17-year-old has collected a sketchbook full of ink portraits of the top news for each day. In some cases, the drawings were personal, like of Summerfield’s grandparents’ wedding anniversary. In other cases, his sketching featured world leaders like Syrian President Bashar Assad, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, U.S. President Barack Obama, and Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Summerfield said that most drawings took no more than 30 minutes each. For many, he would often go back later and add color. In the end, Summerfield documented the events that meant the most to him throughout all of 2012.

Explore the world of sketching and drawing by signing up for a class on portrait drawing. Art students will be expected to practice frequently, sketching many different faces to experiment with the unique features, expressions, and personalities. Experiment drawing portraits using different mediums, such as pencils, charcoal, carbon, ink, and markers. Teachers will guide you through an introduction on portrait drawing and may require you to draw international figures, family members, and even strangers in public in order to continue building your expertise. Consistent practice will make your techniques perfect.

Gucci Enlists Manga Artist for Ad Campaign

In this international partnership, Gucci creative director Frida Giannini has inspired the Japanese artist with the brand’s colors, patterns, and fashion. Araki used the label’s latest collection to develop a Japanese comic called “Jolyne, Fly High with Gucci.” The manga explores the main character’s relationship with a vintage Gucci keepsake and the adventures that stem from it.

“Frida’s beautiful Cruise collection with its strong colours and graphic designs set my mind racing the moment she showed it to me,” Araki said. “From there the characters and storyline came into being so naturally. It was very stimulating to work together on this project.”

The illustrations have been installed in more than 70 Gucci boutiques across the world.



“I am quite sure his window installations will stop people in their tracks in cities around the world as they immerse themselves in the fabulous fantasy world he has created,” Giannini said.

Artistic inspiration can come from anywhere, and unlikely collaborations — like manga and fashion drawing — can crop where you might least expect it. Give a creative boost to your artistic studies by taking part in manga and fashion drawing classes. You will learn specific skills, techniques, and practices that might have previously been unavailable to you without the proper education. Sessions will focus on building your art portfolios with fashion sketching reminiscent of manga and other unique art forms. Manga and fashion can go hand in hand, each style lending its special characteristics to the other.

Artist Records Memories with Watercolor

“After many years of neglect, through gradual decay and weathering by the elements, these old Japanese-era houses are revealing their advanced age,” she said. “They have quite an austere poetic beauty of their own, with the wood panels in faded colors and mottled appearance, the houses swaying in the wind, making rustling sounds.”

Many of the buildings featured in Tsai’s large, detailed works are already gone, present only in the artist’s mind and on paper. “For our childhood memories, we can only try to catch a glimpse of them in these paintings,” she said.

Tsai starts out every painting with a sketch. While most watercolor artists use pencil to outline their subjects, Tsai uses pen. This unique adaptation allows for greater details in her masterpieces. The end product is a rich tribute to each crumbling brick, peeling board, and cracking cement, helping the building facades to take on lives of their own.




There may be no greater tribute than to use your creative skills to preserve buildings, views, and memories through watercolor painting. Enroll in an artistic program today that will give all art students the techniques required to make beautiful and memorable paintings. Personalized sessions will help in the development of your watercolor paintings skills. Expect clear, practical training, including how to mix water with pigments for different shades and opacities of colors, how to blend colors on the paper, and which brushes to use for a variety of special effects.

Painting to Mask the Sorrow

Even in the face of horror, art can help remind people that humanity, kindness, and wonder still exist in the world. Painting faces can especially help children overcome their sadness during terrible events.




Robbie Pack is a professional face painter who traveled to Newtown, Conn., to share her art with the grieving town. In the wake of the tragic school shootings, many residents of Newtown are struggling for normalcy. For young children who still lack understanding of the situation, face painting and other art helps gain back part of the innocence that was lost. Pack is one of many professionals who traveled to Newtown to offer her services as a type of healing.

“With the children, it’s just something fun and normal,” Pack said of the face painting. “They get to pretend they’re someone else. Suddenly, a timid, shy child becomes a fierce tiger.”

Sign up to take an art class to help bring joy to yourself and others. Painting is an excellent pastime that helps relieve stress and takes your mind off of trouble. Face-painting classes will help you share your art to help brighten other people’s days. Through instruction, you will be able to select the proper brushes and paints to achieve the best possible results. Advanced classes will address the use of airbrushes and embellishments like glitter, sequins, and gems. You will learn how to apply themes and characters to faces  — no idea will be too ambitious.

Ahead With Art

Ruth Lande Shuman is painting over the cracks that troubled youths or quiet children usually slip into. By founding Publicolor, Shuman is using art to help at-risk students succeed well beyond the program.

“We teach through product design,” Shuman said. “We engage our kids in a subversive way. You had no idea that you were learning math and reading. They were making products.” Publicolor utilizes seven different programs — each with unique courses of studies — to lead students to new understandings of academics through artistic expression.

Shuman even said that the very color of the walls in a school could cause some students to shut down. “There’s a disconnect between our expectations of excellence and the environments in which we put these kids,” she said. Shuman explained that color can have a psychological effect on children, and by harnessing that effect, art can act as a teacher.



Art can lead to an increased understanding of many other areas of life. If you or someone you know is struggling academically or at work, considering signing up for an art class. Lessons have a broad range of appeal and can help foster a love for art even for individuals who lack artistic backgrounds. Painting classes cover all types of projects and mediums. You can expect to receive instruction on acrylic, watercolor, and oil paintings, as well as landscape, portrait, and fabric painting. Painting is a great way to relieve stress and reorganize your life. Taking the time to enroll in a class on painting will pay off by offering you a valuable hobby.

Woman Finds Niche in Painting

Over the past three years, Howard-Stephenson has filled the walls of her home with more than 2,000 paintings. She keeps many of her masterpieces in binders because of her limited capabilities to display all of her art. Howard-Stephenson, 81, resides in an assisted-living facility, said Wendy Smith, her daughter.

“Over time, this is her thing now. She even taught the residents here a little art class,” Smith said. “It’s not only physical therapy, but occupational therapy. It’s kept that artistic desire. It’s so delightful to see. She just loves to create.”

Finding your passion can come at any point of your life. If you or someone you know must give up a previously favorite pastime, consider enrolling in a class on painting. Students will be able to take on any type of painting, from portraits to landscapes, and experiment with different mediums, like watercolor, acrylic, and oil paints. Programs are designed to focus on all different levels of art, so beginners and more advanced artists are encouraged to take courses. With a little training, anyone can find their creative drive and embrace the relaxing and therapeutic hobby of painting.

Read the entire Tulsa World article at http://www.tulsaworld.com/news/article.aspx?subjectid=11&articleid=20130101_11_A9_CUTLIN961797.

Woman Finds Joy in Life Through Art

Some people spend all their lives looking for something they can be passionate about. Other people, however, embrace topics that deeply interest them and devote their entire lives to the subject. Enid Carole Swanson was one of the second type of people.

Joy in Life Through Art


Swanson led a long, full life before dying at age 87. She had six children throughout her years but always harbored a love for an interest in art. After her children grew older and she found she had more time on her hands, she began exploring with watercolor, oil, and acrylic painting. Swanson filled her days by attending art classes and socializing with different art groups and leagues. “It was a huge part of her life,” said Janet Biechlin, one of Swanson’s daughters.

Are you ready to find a lifelong passion? Tired of your usual hobbies? Take an art class — or several different ones — to explore a relaxing a rewarding lifestyle through art. If you find yourself with a new schedule that allows for plenty of free time and the chance to pursue something new, consider signing up for a painting class. Classes can cover all different mediums in painting, including watercolors, oils, and acrylics. Through instruction, anyone can learn to master everything from the best way to load your paintbrush with paint to how to blend the perfect color for your work of art. You will soon be able to paint anything your mind can come up with, from landscapes to portraits to abstract masterpieces.