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Artist’s Work a Celebration of Kashmir

Uniyal’s paintings are richly colored abstract treatments of joy and positivity. The artist admits that there are too many negative news reports of the heartache in Kashmir, explaining that he prefers to banish all negative thoughts, attitudes, and images from his work. His paintings are meant to lift the spirits of his viewers, not bring them down.

In one painting, a man and a woman embrace, both gently smiling at a large flower the woman is holding delicately. Bright blues, pinks, reds, and yellows add to the positive feeling of the painting.



Uniyal represents the region that enchanted him so much with lovingly rendered scenes of pieces of culture and features of Kashmir. He vows to continue to travel and capture the places that captured his heart on canvas.

Reflect the beauty around you by taking a class on acrylic painting today. Acrylic is one of the easiest artistic genres to get acquainted with. Beginners are certainly welcome to try their hand at acrylic painting. Experienced teachers will be present to guide interested students in the start of their artistic explorations, including color theory and color mixing, as well as loading paintbrushes and brush strokes. More advanced students can steer the direction of their studies, deciding what they’d like to paint and what projects to work on.

Comic Artist Pursues Passion

After 11 years with the company and with the economy in a downturn, Lenox looked to revisit his first passion: art.

“I feel good I did it after not doing it for so long,” he said. “I feel I crossed a huge thing off my bucket list. I feel like I didn’t let myself down.”

Lenox’s style draws inspiration from many sources: movies, anime, and more.

“Even as a little kid, I liked doing stuff that was weird and richly detailed,” he said.

However, when Lenox first attempted to return to art, he had trouble completing his art. It wasn’t until an acquaintance asked him to work on a poster. Lenox enjoyed the project immediately.

“That was like the final thing that flipped the switch,” he said. “That was what I needed to push me over the edge.”

It’s never too late to find and embrace your true passion. Even if you have a regular career, taking the time to enroll in a class on comic drawing or illustration may lead to rewarding discoveries. Once you learn the basics, such as figure drawing, shading, and more, your hobby may take on new life — perhaps even becoming a new source of income. With illustration, you can put your skills to use through creating album covers, promotional posters and brochures, and other artistic projects that can become lucrative outlets for self-expression.

Read the entire Centre Daily Times article at http://www.centredaily.com/2013/03/03/3523383/two-worlds-comic-artist-returns.html.

Artist Thrives with Oil Paintings

Shewmaker’s chosen medium is oil paint.

“I am fluent in pastel, oil and digital painting software, but the medium that gives me the most thrill and satisfaction is oil,” she said.



The artist has always been making masterpieces, even as a child.

“I actually was never not an artist,” Shewmaker said. “All kids doodle and draw, but there comes a time when the child will discover what interests him and go in that direction. I was already doing what I loved and have never stopped creating art.”

Since she already knew oil painting was her favorite medium, Shewmaker was able to plunge into a style of art that she loved.

“My forte as an artist is portrait painting. I have been accepted into and have my work represented by an online portrait gallery that represents the finest portrait artists in America,” she said.

Once you get used to a number of different artistic styles and mediums, you will be able to easily find your passion. Sign up for a class on oil painting today, especially if you already have some background in art or painting. Oil painting takes some careful instruction and a lot of practice, but the medium can yield some of the most rewarding artwork as a finished product. Even beginning artists will gain valuable knowledge and experience from taking a basic oil painting class. Instruction will cover color mixing and using different oils for different effects on the canvas.

Color, Creativity Mark Artist’s Work

“When you face a white canvas, it’s the most amazing feeling of two things: excitement and fear,” Blades said. “You look at it and think, ‘What am I going to do with this?’”



After Blades became tired of painting realistic subjects, like barns, she embraced the abstract, experimenting with color, shape, line, and more.

“I love color,” the 82-year-old said.

The Sawtooth Center for Visual Art displayed a collection of her abstract artwork in the facility’s first abstract show.

People around Blades give her high praise for both her paintings and her personality.

“When she’s not painting, she’s supporting and encouraging the work of others,” said Ashley Sanders of Art in Winston. “She’s only called Winston-Salem home for a relatively short period of time, but you’d never know it because her paintings and her love of the arts have connected her so quickly and so deeply to so many people and organizations.”


Start connecting with your inner creativity and outer community by taking a class on painting today. Subjects will range in everything from landscapes and portraits to surrealism and abstract. Learning the basics of acrylic painting — such as how to mix different colors, which hues work best together, and how to achieve different effects using brushes, palette knives, rags, and more — will open doors to a greater ability to paint works of art. Though abstract painting is challenging, your masterpieces will inspire others to find the message within the paint.

Artist Plays with Finger Paint

“This is for all ages and everyone who has not tried painting with their fingers might be surprised of how much they will like it,” Alvarez said.



As a part of her demonstration, this artist is prepared to get dirty. Alvarez dips her fingers in paints — starting with primary colors — and starts mixing the color right on the surface of her medium. From there, she makes shapes and begins to work on shading her subjects. She often does paintings of animals — her passion.

“It’s my goal to reach out to all ages and backgrounds,” Alvarez said about the purpose of her art walk demonstrations. “I hope to engage more adults because I think with our busy schedules we lose contact with our creativity. I would like for this experience to spark creative thoughts.”

You’re never to old to find something you’re passionate about. Consider enrolling in an art class today to get back in touch with your inner child. Although adults have responsibilities and worries, art classes can help melt away your troubles. Don’t be afraid to get a little messy in your painting sessions. Embrace your creativity and trust your intuition as you learn the basics in mixing paint colors, putting paint to canvas, and creating an artwork that reflects your interests. You’ll soon be painting masterpieces that you’ll be proud to frame and share with your friends and family.

Arts & Crafts Open Doors to Imagination

Classes range from everything from sculpture to painting with kids in control of what they’d like to do. Licensed counselor and art therapist Sue Wallingford says that arts and crafts offer more to children than simply a fun pastime.

“Especially in the early years, children don’t have the words to express how they feel,” she said. “But art involves their senses, bodies and minds. It builds their repertoire of feelings, and they can take these really chaotic feelings and make form out of it.”

Many children learn valuable lessons in self-expression during their time at art camps. Lloyd Burch, co-owner of POSH paint and wine studio, saw this firsthand.

“The reactions of the parents to the kids’ paintings, that’s the real benefit,” he said. “The parents are praising the kids, the kids are feeling good. And if you feel good about yourself, you’re going to heal yourself. That’s one of the biggest things we saw. The art creates better relationships.”

Talk to your children today about their interest in attending an art class on a subject that excites them today. Children can choose from a variety of different classes, such as acrylic painting, watercolor, mural painting, and more. Kids will gain valuable artistic knowledge that they can apply in their education experience — such as the math and science of color mixing — while learning how to express themselves with a brush and canvas.

Read the entire Boulder Weekly article at http://www.boulderweekly.com/article-10757-arts-crafts-building.html.

After Injury, Artist Revamps Style

“Best thing about portraits is you capture something intrinsic, it’s a psychological thing,” she said. “It’s a quality you get when you know a person, it comes through.”



She enjoyed exploring that quality while painting portraits, but the injury robbed her of the ability to do the continuous brush strokes and heightened concentration that portraits required. She didn’t let that stop her from creating, though.

“Athletes have to run, artists have to paint,” she said. “I started (since the accident) with seascapes and now I’m into landscapes, I can’t do portraits. In the meantime I’m lucky to have found something.”

Painting landscapes is different from painting portraits, allowing for a greater range of motion and relaxation in technique.

“It’s very centering,” Dupuis said.

Interested in recreating the people and places around you? Sign up today for an acrylic painting class in an area that interests you. Students have the chance to build on any existing artistic skills through the instruction of a highly trained expert. After beginning students nail down the basics of acrylic painting, they can choose to pursue the projects that interest them the most, including portrait painting, landscapes, still life, and more. Once you know where your passion lies, you can use your new acrylic painting skills to explore it to the fullest, including different scenes for landscapes and people in a variety of poses for portraits.

Watercolors Give Woman Access to Organization

After the society turned down her application, Goltz continued to practice a paint watercolors.



“My biggest surprise at this point is becoming a signature member of the Ohio Watercolor Society. Four years ago, a friend and I applied and failed,” Goltz said. “But I tried again, and in June of 2011 I was accepted.”

Goltz prefers people as her watercolor subjects.

“Portraits are my favorite. In my experience as a counselor, I was intrigued by people’s unique life stories,” Goltz said. “I found that no matter what situation, each person had their own beauty, either outwardly or inwardly.”

That beauty was best distilled and translated through watercolor.

“I love working with watercolor. The medium flows, with the water and color moving together,” Goltz said. “There’s something so spiritual and free about it.”

If you’ve always been fascinated by watercolor painting, now is the time to take a class to explore your interest. Enroll in sessions on watercolor painting today to explore all the different ways you can use the medium to paint the subject. Expert instructors will teach students how to mix colors, use more or less water to affect the opacity of the hues, and apply the paint to paper and other surfaces for the maximum effect. Once you understand the basics, you will be ready to move on to portraits, landscapes, and other painting subjects that interest you the most.

Students in Control of Mural’s Content

Hartley, being an artist herself, knew the importance of art in education. That’s why she invited celebrated muralist David Kinker to help create a realistic portrait of the school and its surrounding land.

“I’m promoting the process,” Kinker said as students stop to admire his work in progress.

Young children might have a problem in contributing valuable input to a realistic portrait of a building and a landscape, but that doesn’t stop Kinker from inviting them to try. In the land around the school, all students at Bonanza have been instructed to paint anything — absolutely anything that strikes their fancy.

“The kids are so thirsty for this,” reading teacher Kimberly Otto said of the project. Since the school hasn’t had an art program for a decade, each class gets “creative time” to devote to studying the arts. Most classes have been allocating that time to painting with Kinker on the mural.

In the end, Kinker will lightly paint over the children’s contributions, making them appear like shadows over the grass. But all the students will know that they had a hand in bringing art back to Bonanza.

Mural painting is a great way to get involved — or involve a slice of a community to beautify a location while educating participants. Take a class on murals today to start learning the mechanics of how to plan, organize, and execute beautiful and meaningful murals today.

Shop Provides Venue for Creative Socializing

Pieces range from holiday figurines to mugs and other dishes. For some, the pastime is a good way to do something while spending time with loved ones.

“Here you can sit down and talk with friends and when you’re done, you can walk away with something,” said Jessica Boggs, one of the shop’s regular customers. She explained that going out to a movie with friends isn’t as social as painting pottery because you can’t talk during movies.

Other people agree, saying that painting pottery is a great way for everyone to get together. “Everybody enjoys it. We’re not all good at it but we like it. It’s kind of relaxing,” Terri Gabbard said. A large group of her friends decided to paint pottery instead of going out to eat.

Painting pottery is an accessible art form. “If I can make something I can be proud of, anybody can make something they can be proud of,”  said Laya Hutchison, owner of The Pottery Place.

Painting doesn’t always have to take place on a canvas. Sign up for a painting class today to explore all the different ways you can apply painting to anything you desire. Students will learn how to choose different sizes and styles of brushes for different applications of paint. For example, smaller detail work requires a small brush with a fine tip. Larger expanses need a larger, broad bristled brush.

Read the entire Daily Independent article at http://dailyindependent.com/local/x2056584531/Preference-for-painting.