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Visit Singapore’s national gallery for free — while it lasts

9th August 2015

Complimentary for less than two weeks, those who enjoy viewing art in a brand new space should try to make the visit before entrance charges are introduced, and to be a part of a new cultural experience.

The national gallery will feature historical Asian art as well as modern masterpieces from artists in Singapore itself as a part of a pair of permanent installations. The gallery acts as a perfect place to host such artwork, the architecture and design indoors a marriage of clean modern lines with classical columns, facades and more.

From November 27 to November 29, the national gallery will host a festival to mark its opening, featuring performances, screenings, interactive events, and much more. All are welcome to experience the special party to celebrate a brand new venue for experiencing artwork pertinent to the region and beyond. Attendees can also expect to enjoy guided tours through the new exhibits and discussions on the artworks’ importance in the creative world. Ahead of the festival, visitors to the gallery can also attend panels discussing the contributions of Singaporean and other Asian art to the rest of the art world.

The CEO of Singapore’s national gallery, Chong Siak Ching, says that the gallery’s opening will be one facet of the cultural celebrations surrounding Singapore’s 50th birthday. She added that she hopes the new exhibit space will both continue an interest in art from around the region and spark a wider interest in creativity as a whole. Art is a wonderful way for people to learn more about the world around them — and about the world contained inside themselves, as well, she said.

Minister Lawrence Wong agreed on the importance of the new artistic space the national gallery will have to offer. Though it coincides as one of the many events marking Singapore’s 50th birthday, it will also serve as a shining jewel for decades to come, continuing to make a positive contribution for Singapore’s art enthusiasts for many more birthdays for the country.

Celebrate Singapore’s birthday with artistic flair of your own by enrolling in an art class today. SGartclass.com features a wide variety of art classes for many different purposes. Whether you’re already inclined to have artistic talent, or if you’re just looking to engage in a new hobby, SGartclass.com has the right option for you to embrace your creative side. It doesn’t matter if you’re preparing for entrance in to a prestigious art institution or just looking to bond closer with your coworkers at your company. All of our art classes come with expert tutors who will work closely with you and the rest of the members of your class to develop the best plan of action to address your artistic needs and desires.

For more information about visiting the Singapore National Gallery, go to http://news.asiaone.com/news/singapore/free-entry-national-gallery-singapore-limited-period.

Contemporary arts set for center stage in biennale

3rd August 2015

The slightly delayed art event will begin in October of 2016 and span through February of 2017, making room for Singapore’s birthday and artworks designed to celebrate it. Attendees of previous biennales shouldn’t be disheartened for the rescheduling, however. Artistic venues from around the country will be presenting art ahead of Singapore’s 50th birthday, making the coming months some of the most artistic in recent history.

A previous installment of this extraordinary exhibition featured a theme exploring thoughts on “if the world changed” and included dozens of artists collaborating and creating from countries from around the world. One example of an artwork from a previous installment of the Singapore Biennale is the sprawling “Between Worlds” sculpture by the artist Nasirun. The sculpture featured multiple circular platforms that displayed glass bottles akin to the equipment used in chemistry. Many of the bottles reflected both the light of the surrounding room and blue and white lights contained within the sculpture itself.

If the most recent Singapore Biennale is any indication, the upcoming artistic showcase will be a popular attraction to both art connoisseurs and casual attendees eager to see something new and exciting. In the last event, held from 2013 to 2014, 82 creative minds representing 13 nations from around the globe showed a variety of work, and the event ended up attracting over 555,000 art enthusiasts. To host such an explosive and vast collection of art, several different venues took part in the biennale.

The upcoming biennale — which will be marking its fifth occurrence — will also coincide with special celebrations for the Singapore Art Museum marking its 20th year of existence. The museum plans on many different events to celebrate art in Singapore while also taking into account the country’s 50th birthday. The museum is also the primary organizer for the event, meaning that officials there will take great care to come up with new and exciting ways to highlight the most talented artists’ offerings for display.

Contemporary arts are just one of many artistic genres that you can explore by signing up for an art class via Sgartclass.com. Enrolling in a tutorial that takes a close examination of contemporary arts will help you engage in art movements taking shape according to current events, culture and the world around them. Insert yourself into what’s going on right now by creating art and becoming part of the contemporary art movement. Classes on contemporary art can range in studies of the history of the genre, fellow artists creating art in the now, and various forms that contemporary art may take. You might find yourself planning a mural based on a community issue or current event, investigating protest signs as contemporary art pieces, or drawing inspiration for your own masterpieces using newspaper headlines, evening news programs, or even the current events shaping your own life.

For more information about the Singapore Biennale, see http://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/arts/singapore-biennale-to-return-in-2016.

  • August 3, 2015
  • Blog

Floating masterpieces a celebration of Singapore

27th July 2015

A new floating art installation, commissioned in honor of a river cleanup project, has truly been a group effort. Hundreds of people participated in creating close to 20 large paintings. The masterpieces were then mounted on floats and displayed in the water itself, becoming a unique tribute to the efforts of making the river a cleaner and more beautiful place to visit. Viewable from the banks of the river or from boating on the water itself, the masterpieces act as a creative stamp to beautify the body of water and its surrounding areas.

Each artwork is a way for those who live in Singapore to celebrate their home’s rich history, vibrant present and hopeful outlook for the years to come. Real teamwork is on display in the masterpieces, creating a sense of community in the special exhibition. The floating paintings are as beautiful and different as the people who contributed their time and talents to create them. One painting boldly stands out with simple primary colors — red, blue, and yellow — in a riotously fun depiction of a country it is proud to represent. Other masterpieces feature favorite scenes and sights from around the country — bright, floating testaments to all of the wonderful things Singapore has to offer.

Government official Yaccob Ibrahim said that the project is one of a myriad of initiatives to improve and commend the island nation and the people living there. Ibrahim added that residents should continue to work toward goals of improving the country so that future generations can enjoy all of the effort put into making Singapore so great.

As a testament to the ongoing legacy of the desire for self-improvement, the cleanup project for the Kallang River was first envisioned by the country’s first prime minister. With missions like this one, which serve to make Singapore an even better place, both leaders of the nation and the people who live there can work together to make the country be the best place possible and preserve it for years to come.

At SGartclass, you can discover all of the different and unexpected ways in which you can create art. Artwork doesn’t always have to be created in traditional ways. Expert teachers leading classes of your choosing can show you how to think outside the frame and make a work of art for any and all occasions. Create a masterpiece that will float, such as the exhibit on the Kallang River in Singapore, or complete an artwork that honors a special moment in your own life.

Invite a group of friends to collaborate on a single piece of art that speaks of your friendship, or organize an artistic excursion for coworkers in order to bond while exploring the teamwork that goes behind creating such a project. SGartclass will help you tailor your art class to the experience that will benefit you the most.

For more information about the Water Art Gallery, visit http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/kallang-river-hosts/2008048.html

  • July 27, 2015
  • Blog

Textile Exhibit Celebrates Diversity of Queen City

Refugees and others from a slew of places around the world, including Africa, Asia, and South America, are contributing to the culture of Manchester.

Customs, art, and other practices are becoming common sights in this Connecticut town, with not place more invested than a local art museum. On display is an exhibit that explores textiles from Africa.

The textile exhibit has been special particularly to those residents hailing from Africa because it reminds them of making their own fabrics before they left the continent for the United States. It celebrates the craftsmanship and creativity of what they left behind and reminds them of things that are still possible here, thousands of miles away from home.

In African culture, textiles denote such things as wealth, power, and prestige whether they are used to clothe the wearer, carry a baby, or shroud a recently deceased person. They can also pay tribute to anything from the artisan’s imagination to documenting real-life events, such as U.S. presidents’ visits to Africa.

Enroll today in a sewing class to explore the vast possibilities in the world of textiles. Classes range from beginning skills, such as techniques needed to master a sewing machine, to advanced classes. Students can expect to complete projects of their choosing, including sewing or altering their own clothes and other textile items, as well as exploring decorative sewing techniques, such as embellishments and embroidery.

Read the entire Union Leader article at http://www.unionleader.com/article/20140102/NEWHAMPSHIRE01/140109925.


School Mural Aims to Stamp Out Bullying

The motivation behind the project was to have total participation from each and every student, teacher, staff member, and all interested parents at Georgetown. In this vein, the project meant that students could explore how to root out bullying while learning about art, painting, and murals.

 Read the entire CapeGazette article at http://capegazette.villagesoup.com/p/school-mural-depicts-legacy-of-kindness/1088763.

Read the entire CapeGazette article at http://capegazette.villagesoup.com/p/school-mural-depicts-legacy-of-kindness/1088763.

Students worked with a professional mural artist to learn the right techniques and skills to complete each of their contributions to the greater work, which will depict bookshelves full of books. Each participant is responsible for painting the spine area of a book, and the book takes a look at how to defeat bullying. Many of the students’ book spines feature bright colors, sunshine, hearts, and such words as “kindness,” “love,” and “lock up bullying,” as well as each student’s name. When the work is complete, the “library of kindness” will stretch around the walls of the school, offering brightness and hope against bullying.

The mural will act as a lasting reminder to be personally accountable in the fight against bullying as well as an artistic legacy for all those who participated.

Interested in the art of murals? Sign up for a class on mural painting today to start your exploration into the artistic genre. Classes will investigate all the different ways that murals can be incorporated into different settings and with different numbers of participants.

Chinese Artist Talks Creative Influences

Many of Fang’s paintings depict bald figures with a variety of facial expressions. The artist explains that he mostly paints people he knows, and he uses bright colors to make each oil on canvas painting vivid and bright.

Some of the artist’s most recent works depict weeping figures. He says that there are some questions that may never be answered, including why the subjects of his work are crying.

 Read the entire South China Morning Post article at http://www.scmp.com/magazines/48hrs/article/1391077/artist-fang-lijun-says-painting-animals-kind-artistic-freedom.

Read the entire South China Morning Post article at http://www.scmp.com/magazines/48hrs/article/1391077/artist-fang-lijun-says-painting-animals-kind-artistic-freedom.

Fang’s sculptural work is particularly intriguing, going against the mold of more traditional techniques. Several of his sculptures are white ceramic walls that appear to be falling or collapsing on themselves, bringing a sense of unease to the viewer. Fang explains that he wants to make his exploration of form less structural and more lyrical.

Recently, Fang has delighted in painting animals. Though he most often paints the human form, Fang said that painting animals wasn’t that much of a departure. In Chinese culture, the zodiac has 12 animals that correspond to birth years. Also, when the artist features animals in his work, he gets fewer questions about the identities of people in his work and why he is painting a particular person.

Start taking art classes today to investigate different points of interest within the artistic world. If you’re interested in painting, try several lessons. After mastering one type of painting, try your hand at drawing with the help of professional teachers.

Museum Mural’s Origins a Mystery

Museum officials have set aside funding and are gearing up to try to discover who painted the mural — and when.

Officials have said that they would like to remove the mural from the wall, restore it, frame it, and display it in a more prominent position. They also suspect that it once had a partner — another mural that has perhaps been lost to time.

The people who run the museum are refusing to let this particular mural suffer the same fate.

The mural depicts gliders floating over richly painted hills and fields, through thick clouds and a baby blue sky. It also features representations of houses, buildings, and landmarks of the local area.

Though the aircraft featured in the mural is from the 1930s, officials still aren’t sure just when the mural was installed, or who did the installing. It’s currently housed in a community room, and the museum staff would like it out where more people can see and appreciate the craftsmanship of the piece. They hope that, with the help of a grant, they can make a video of the restoration project and display it alongside the mural as a part of an exhibit.

Take a class on mural painting today and get started honoring, preserving, and paying tribute to your own passions. Classes will help you develop all necessary skills for creating a mural with themes of your own choosing.

Read the entire Star-Gazette article at http://www.stargazette.com/article/20131227/NEWS01/312270004/Mystery-surrounds-National-Soaring-Museum-mural?nclick_check=1.

Christmas Spirit Leads Teacher to Sew Stockings

Every year since she started out teaching a preschool class, Lee has made stockings for her students at Christmas. The art of sewing comes naturally to her — her grandmother was passionate about it, so she picked it up from an early age.

Lee even sewed her own wedding dress.

Read the entire Naperville Sun article at http://napervillesun.suntimes.com/news/stockings-NAP-12272013:article.

Read the entire Naperville Sun article at http://napervillesun.suntimes.com/news/stockings-NAP-12272013:article.

The stockings began elaborate, Lee said, explaining that it was so much work that first year that she decided not to decorate them anymore by herself. Instead, she cuts the stockings from felt using a pattern and then employs different colors, threads, and ribbons to make sure that each one is unique. Students choose their own stocking and decorate them. It’s up to Lee to fill the stockings with goodies.

Since this was her last year teaching, Lee wanted each and every student at her school to have a stocking from her, driving her to complete a grand total of 458 stockings. They were a hit with all the students, and Lee said she enjoyed walking through the school and seeing how the different classes chose to decorate them.

Learning how to sew can ensure your ability to make lasting and memorable pieces for your loved one. Think about enrolling in a sewing class today, even if you have little to no experience at the sewing machine.


Artist Uses Mixed Mediums in Exhibition

Goffrier’s show, effectively called “Oil & Water,” is a display of paintings using both mediums. The artist’s works are characterized with a strong sense of place. Many feature landmarks, sights, and landscapes that are typical to different locations where Goffrier has spent time or lived. He lived in Massachusetts for nearly twenty years before moving back to his home state of Kansas.

The mix of oil paint and watercolors works well on canvas. For many of the bolder strokes of buildings and foliage, Goffrier incorporates the thicker, hardier oil paint. For shading or light color, such as clouds dotting the sky, he uses watercolor. The two mediums converge in each of his pieces, offering a unique look on using the distinctive types of paint.

 Read the entire Wichita Eagle article at http://www.kansas.com/2013/12/27/3196572/oil-and-water-mix-in-painter-bill.html.

Read the entire Wichita Eagle article at http://www.kansas.com/2013/12/27/3196572/oil-and-water-mix-in-painter-bill.html.

This is Goffrier’s first show in Kansas since he moved back to the state to be closer to family members. The artist said that he was excited to share his work with other residents of the state, particularly since so many of his works depict things that many people who live in Kansas are intimately familiar with.

Take an art class to start learning the skills needed to feed your curiosity and creativity. Don’t be afraid to sign up for several different types of classes on painting. Once you master the art of watercolor painting, for example, take it to the next level with classes on oil painting. Combine the two for a fun, dual-medium experience.

Artist Boosts Business Through Scroll Work

Landry, who has always been interested in arts and crafts, completes many orders for her wood art, often spending the entire day working with her scroll saw.

Some of Landry’s work includes complicated designs cut out of delicate pieces of wood. Through the holiday season, her arts are especially popular. She can customize names and designs in different pieces, and some of her most sought-after designs are personalized wooden ornaments.

creative.  Read the entire Nova News Now article at http://www.novanewsnow.com/News/2013-12-16/article-3545201/Long-road-to-success-for-artist-entrepreneur/1.

Read the entire Nova News Now article at http://www.novanewsnow.com/News/2013-12-16/article-3545201/Long-road-to-success-for-artist-entrepreneur/1.

Many people express surprise that Landry works in her kitchen, wondering why she doesn’t use a workshop. She explains that the scroll saw is much smaller than its other cousins and easy to work with. When she needs to clean up all the wood shavings from her designs, she uses a vacuum cleaner.

Using the scroll saw and decorative paint, Landry has made a name for herself in the arts and crafts world. She contributes to a woodworking magazine and has been asked to speak at special events. Landry stays very busy with all her orders and events, but she says she loves it and wouldn’t trade her life for anything.

Arts and crafts are an excellent way to start exploring all the different forms of art. From a young age, arts and crafts can also encourage children to get in touch with their artistic side. Consider enrolling you or a child in a class on arts and crafts in order to get started with being creative.