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Artists Showcase Plein Air Skills

Plein air painting defines any painting that takes place in the great outdoors. While many artists take digital photographs of vistas or beautiful surroundings so they can use the photo to work off of in their studio at a later time, plein air painters capture beautiful scenery on site using a variety of mediums.

Such painting takes dedication and a keen eye for beauty. Karen LeMonnier, one artist who took part in the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Paint Out, sat down near a lone blooming hibiscus. She was drawn by the bright red color of the blossom among the more muted shades of earth tones. During the event, she produced one oil paintings with a bright red detail of the hibiscus flower.



Plein air painters brave the sun, heat, insect pests, and more every time they look to paint. It is a challenging genre of art since the artists must create their work outside the controlled environment of a studio or gallery.

Likewise, painting is usually viewed as an individual pursuit, said Tim Malles, an artist who organized the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens Paint Out. However, Impressionistic painters painted together and created a community of painters.

Explore a wide variety of painting classes today. Interested artists and those just beginning to be interested in art can take such classes as watercolor painting, acrylic painting, oil painting, and more. Projects can be centered around students’ interests.

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