We Build Teams + Deliver Happiness through our Team Building / Therapeutic Art Workshops.

Artist Uses Shoes as Canvas

Yazzie’s art company, Soul2Sole Custom Designs, offers painted shoes along with custom apparel and other designs. Yazzie has done everything from paint faces to murals.

“I’ve always been fascinated by art,” he said. I’d sketch people a lot. I’d sometimes tell them I’m practicing to be a courtroom sketch artist so don’t let me sketch you again. I’ve also volunteered for the past five or six years painting kids’ faces for families in recovery.”

Yazzie helped out at a children’s art event, watching as kids completed art projects.



“What most impressed me, however, was when a kid would make a mark, or mistake, and how I got to help them incorporate that mark, enhance it and make it a part of the finished project,” he said. “If that isn’t a life lesson I don’t know what is.”

Yazzie said he had a message for everyone.

“Stop watching so much TV and start reading more, creating art, learn how to cook a killer meal for yourself or family, tell your loved ones how much you love them. Enjoy more sunrises and sunsets,” he said. “By no means has Soul2Sole made me wealthy, but it has given me an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives through art.”

Sign up today for a class on acrylic painting. You may discover a talent or passion you never had. Explore different canvases for your work, including shoes, shirts, and other clothing. Customized sportswear makes for excellent gifts.

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