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Artist Uses Mixed Mediums in Exhibition

Goffrier’s show, effectively called “Oil & Water,” is a display of paintings using both mediums. The artist’s works are characterized with a strong sense of place. Many feature landmarks, sights, and landscapes that are typical to different locations where Goffrier has spent time or lived. He lived in Massachusetts for nearly twenty years before moving back to his home state of Kansas.

The mix of oil paint and watercolors works well on canvas. For many of the bolder strokes of buildings and foliage, Goffrier incorporates the thicker, hardier oil paint. For shading or light color, such as clouds dotting the sky, he uses watercolor. The two mediums converge in each of his pieces, offering a unique look on using the distinctive types of paint.

 Read the entire Wichita Eagle article at http://www.kansas.com/2013/12/27/3196572/oil-and-water-mix-in-painter-bill.html.

Read the entire Wichita Eagle article at http://www.kansas.com/2013/12/27/3196572/oil-and-water-mix-in-painter-bill.html.

This is Goffrier’s first show in Kansas since he moved back to the state to be closer to family members. The artist said that he was excited to share his work with other residents of the state, particularly since so many of his works depict things that many people who live in Kansas are intimately familiar with.

Take an art class to start learning the skills needed to feed your curiosity and creativity. Don’t be afraid to sign up for several different types of classes on painting. Once you master the art of watercolor painting, for example, take it to the next level with classes on oil painting. Combine the two for a fun, dual-medium experience.

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