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Artist Thrives with Oil Paintings

Shewmaker’s chosen medium is oil paint.

“I am fluent in pastel, oil and digital painting software, but the medium that gives me the most thrill and satisfaction is oil,” she said.



The artist has always been making masterpieces, even as a child.

“I actually was never not an artist,” Shewmaker said. “All kids doodle and draw, but there comes a time when the child will discover what interests him and go in that direction. I was already doing what I loved and have never stopped creating art.”

Since she already knew oil painting was her favorite medium, Shewmaker was able to plunge into a style of art that she loved.

“My forte as an artist is portrait painting. I have been accepted into and have my work represented by an online portrait gallery that represents the finest portrait artists in America,” she said.

Once you get used to a number of different artistic styles and mediums, you will be able to easily find your passion. Sign up for a class on oil painting today, especially if you already have some background in art or painting. Oil painting takes some careful instruction and a lot of practice, but the medium can yield some of the most rewarding artwork as a finished product. Even beginning artists will gain valuable knowledge and experience from taking a basic oil painting class. Instruction will cover color mixing and using different oils for different effects on the canvas.

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