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Artist Enjoys Exploring Craft Through Many Mediums

Lewis enjoys learning throughout her life and creating art is no different. She loves to experiment with mediums she might not be that familiar with. The results are worth the process of gaining experience in previously unexplored genres of art.

If pressed, Lewis might admit she enjoys working with glass, creating shapes with a mosaic of colored pieces. Many of the glass works are popular among the residents of the town where Lewis lives, and she sells many pieces.

 Read the entire Daily Independent article at http://www.dailyindependent.com/local/x439240629/Glass-and-more.

Read the entire Daily Independent article at http://www.dailyindependent.com/local/x439240629/Glass-and-more.

Lewis takes most of her inspiration from nature, which has thrilled her ever since she was a child. When she took up watercolor painting, though, her husband loved her pieces so much that she says he doesn’t allow her to sell any of them. Her very first watercolor work can’t even leave the house for prints to be made of it.

Other than glass work and watercolor painting, Lewis also sketches, quilts, dabbles in acrylic and oil painting, and makes jewelry. She admits that her attention wanders and says that she’s always been high energy, enabling her to jump from one project to the next.

Interested in art? We have a number of art classes available for all different interests. Rates are affordable and teachers will work around your schedule, so you have the ability to sign up for several to explore all of your various passions.

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