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After Injury, Artist Revamps Style

“Best thing about portraits is you capture something intrinsic, it’s a psychological thing,” she said. “It’s a quality you get when you know a person, it comes through.”



She enjoyed exploring that quality while painting portraits, but the injury robbed her of the ability to do the continuous brush strokes and heightened concentration that portraits required. She didn’t let that stop her from creating, though.

“Athletes have to run, artists have to paint,” she said. “I started (since the accident) with seascapes and now I’m into landscapes, I can’t do portraits. In the meantime I’m lucky to have found something.”

Painting landscapes is different from painting portraits, allowing for a greater range of motion and relaxation in technique.

“It’s very centering,” Dupuis said.

Interested in recreating the people and places around you? Sign up today for an acrylic painting class in an area that interests you. Students have the chance to build on any existing artistic skills through the instruction of a highly trained expert. After beginning students nail down the basics of acrylic painting, they can choose to pursue the projects that interest them the most, including portrait painting, landscapes, still life, and more. Once you know where your passion lies, you can use your new acrylic painting skills to explore it to the fullest, including different scenes for landscapes and people in a variety of poses for portraits.

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